Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Islamists at Dublin's Trinity College

Duration: 02:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-20 13:44:28
User: lizardoid
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Omar Brooks (aka Abu Izzadeen, recently arrested by UK authorities) and Anjem Choudary at Ireland's Trinity College.


Crunchybear1 ::: Favorites
Islam will dominate the world, get over it :)
07-09-23 08:18:50
PtGProduction ::: Favorites
I wrote a song, it goes something like this......"Mongo-loid-warrior" .(1.5 second pause).. "you-are-a primi-tive-bitch"..(0.5 second pause) "yeah".. yeah-yeah"...."yeah-yeah-yeah" "la la"..... what do you think?
07-09-18 14:25:27
M0NG0LWARRI0R ::: Favorites
I´m sick of all this shit. Shamanism will rule the Northern World again soon. Prepare, bitches.
07-09-17 15:19:18
Vladimirovic ::: Favorites
Lol. So you're telling us that they're not muslim, 'cause they're ugly? =) Grand, Mael coluim, Bhoy.
07-09-16 06:07:00
PtGProduction ::: Favorites
I totally agree with you MongoloidWarrior, it should be realtivated as a whole, it is so out of date and is so open to interpretation dont you think?
07-09-14 14:12:24
rOaCh2000 ::: Favorites
i looked at your profile. you talk about wich race is the sexiest? and you have a korean friend who's a nazi? you're a joke. a talmudic joke
07-09-13 18:32:30
M0NG0LWARRI0R ::: Favorites
That is not for you to say. You are indoctrined by Jewish media, like 99.9 per cent of Moslems.
07-09-13 13:35:27
rOaCh2000 ::: Favorites
you really don't know anything about islam
07-09-13 00:01:50
shadedtone ::: Favorites
you actually told me why will i go and read the qur'aan front to back, then you said i was a disgrase for being mixed, and i am not ugly ppl say i look jus like mya and kim kardashian..and i am mixed black and indian.
07-09-12 14:50:22
shadedtone ::: Favorites
you talkin bout the qur'aan B you lied on the word of Allaah saying it say Prophet Muhammed came from a pig, wa authubillaah son..
07-09-12 14:48:56

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