Friday, September 7, 2007

The Island Sketch 3

Duration: 02:00 minutes
Upload Time: 06-05-22 06:41:12
User: Snaaaake
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This is the Theatrical performance of Lano and Woodley. Sketch 3. This is The trial of Colin Lane

AusUnited ::: Favorites
NOT GUITY: Thankyou soo much for posting this.. i have embeded it along with the 8 other movies want all nine episodes on one page? forum[.]ausunited[.]vlexo[.]com/forum/viewtopic[.]php?f=33&t=73 just take the box brackets out!!! and enjoy Lano and Woodley.. THE BEST OF THE BEST!!!
07-08-01 20:04:12
frankophobe ::: Favorites
lmao that was funny. aside from being staged that whole thing with the judges mouth was pretty darn hilarious. lol.. "Which proves once and for all that Frank really did give me the shits!"
07-04-18 04:26:00
LanoWoodleyLover ::: Favorites
It was originally I heard...but they kept it in because people thought it was so funny
07-03-30 03:14:47
imaprofesser ::: Favorites
Oh that's still funny though...i wonder if the fire in the suitcase was, actually, a screw up...
07-03-30 03:13:02
LanoWoodleyLover ::: Favorites
All staged. Pretty much everything that looked like a stuff up was actually staged :(
07-03-28 04:54:18
imaprofesser ::: Favorites
Did they really have the huge argument and the fire extinguisher thingy "That that onto your skin!" etc. ... or was that staged too?
07-03-28 04:40:23
LanoWoodleyLover ::: Favorites
Im kinda disapointed by this really...the goodbye show one ruined it for me by giving away the fact that frank hadnt really stuffed up....I found that a bit upsetting :(
06-11-27 06:54:42
artemis144 ::: Favorites
lol, "Nothing happened and I felt like...A bit of a ninny."
06-10-29 23:19:28
Snaaaake ::: Favorites
I havnt Seen the Goodbye show Gunna see it on Austar when it premieres on Comedy Channel in late july Was it good?
06-06-03 03:23:16
Rileigh ::: Favorites
Haha that hudge thing at the Goodbye show was so god damn funny!
06-06-02 20:46:00

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