Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 11:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-14 04:11:48
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Pizerl ::: Favorites
There is a good article on Rove's legacy on counterpunch dot org
07-08-17 21:06:33
netcisco ::: Favorites
The point is on the top of your head. The real point is that all politicians have issues, most of them lie to us. It doesn't matter if they are Democrat or Republican. To be honest, I try not to carry anyones water any more because all of them seem to be fairly dishonest.
07-08-14 14:33:28
Hansinator5000 ::: Favorites
bad men who should be running a country full of nazis
07-08-14 11:51:41
prrolg ::: Favorites
Leave Claire McCaskill out of this!!!
07-08-14 07:46:27
prrolg ::: Favorites
How dare you call Krugman a socialist liar waterboy(which is very accurate),when he is worse than a pig in a parlor.He is a drowned rat with the personality of a weasel.
07-08-14 07:45:32
prrolg ::: Favorites
Schumer "..this department has been so political Atty Gen Gonzalez should step down." Well Chuck you filthy bag of sewage ,on that basis you should step down and retroactively repay the US gov't for all of your Senate salary.And as you characterized Gonzalez as a "nice man" you don't even get points for that as you are so vile.
07-08-14 07:30:55
rongvk ::: Favorites
Clinton vs. a whole Bush administration.. and your point is?
07-08-14 06:30:31
netcisco ::: Favorites
So was Clinton.
07-08-13 17:12:26
marxbitesall ::: Favorites
I can't stand ANY of the CFR/TriLat controlled in both parties, for but a few are not. After studying American history and economics 10yrs, Krugman is a big fat socialist liar waterboy. BTW Clinton fired ALL 93 of his attys in one fell swoop. Bush, Kerry, Cheney, Schumer, Clinton, Carter are goons. This bread and circuses L vs R politics Govt has been cover for elite takeover for over 100 years now.
07-04-10 22:40:43
bobsegal83 ::: Favorites
Stand up, find out what you can do. This is rediculous! our governemt has been hijacked by these smug fucks.
07-03-30 17:17:04

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