Thursday, September 27, 2007

me singing lee ann womack I hope you dance

Duration: 04:21 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-25 18:51:43
User: AnonymousSinger
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:::: Top Videos of Day
Description: I'm a tad sick i apologize


illbesoome ::: Favorites
At least show us a clear pic of the poster always (blurrily) displayed on the door behind you. ;-) I liked your rendition of this song the best yet of all of your postings! No matter the quality of your "expensive mic"; you are "clearly" phenominal! I hope you will receive the "recognition" and commercial success you so well deserve soon...:)
07-09-25 13:03:11
Ordinarykarin ::: Favorites
i love you <3!!!! but just show urself and stop being anonymous
07-09-21 18:26:55
xYOUDONTKNOWMEx ::: Favorites
she said she wants ppl to just focus on the music!! she said all the comments on singing vids r like about the way the person looks and she wants it to be about the music. and it is her. she messes up lyrics as proof.
07-09-13 21:20:20
pinkkt25 ::: Favorites
if u thnk about it this way, it does not make u a better singer by not letting us see you in fact it makes u worse cos people are doubting your talent cos they cannot see that u are actualy doing it if u see what i mean ..........
07-09-13 17:09:04
pinkkt25 ::: Favorites
u know when i read these comments saying they dont belive she is singing i sometimes think that myself..why would someone with a voice and such a passion to sing not wanna get herself famous? seems silly to me...... she obvously enjoys singing so why would she not want this u tube thing to lead to anything for her?which it would if she just sang with everything in view .
07-09-13 17:07:32
sodaholicgurl ::: Favorites
07-09-09 11:08:25
BanSidheSongstrill ::: Favorites
Let me say I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt the figure in front of the camera is lip-synching... the mic, the sorce of backup, ect! Now before I became the subject of vast, sinister, Internet conspiracy for my imminent demise I also believe that AnonymousSinger IS the voice we are blessed to hear. If the figure and the voice are one and the same, well yippyskippy... I guess. As for the professional sound, that's computer recording and editing software.
07-08-30 16:34:10
LittleAngelxx ::: Favorites
her features are ahead of the music; I don't buy that its her one bit.
07-08-25 15:59:44
MrsTI42 ::: Favorites
u suck badly , sorry but you ruined a really amazing song
07-08-25 10:32:17
greeneyeddmegs ::: Favorites
ohh snapp!! ure voice is very deep but very nicee i love itt <:
07-08-23 15:42:59

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