Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Duration: 04:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-23 06:54:25
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rustymente ::: Favorites
Oh, fuck anti-mormon sentiment! Mormons come from the planet Kolob, and they are anti-human. FUCK MORMONS! MORMONS ARE LIARS!
07-09-19 01:18:56
loqutor ::: Favorites
The sad thing is, this film is probably going to ruin Jon Voight's career, and he's an amazing actor. Christopher Cain doesn't call Osama bin Laden a Mormon Sympathizer, but hey, there's always room on the DVD.
07-09-12 22:41:01
talkingpie99 ::: Favorites
That's the 1st doubt I ever had about the church that made me realize, "My life is over." Thank God that I found out about resignation letters 6 years later.
07-09-12 21:08:42
talkingpie99 ::: Favorites
Which is the 1st doubt I ever had about that church. If I only knew before, I wouldn't have converted.
07-09-12 21:06:42
smpf38 ::: Favorites
Sandra Tanner was consulted for the film. "D minus.... Clearly "September Dawn" is constructed as an anti-Mormon diatribe disguised as a historical narrative.... Like most 'historical' pictures, [it] has serious problems in historical terms. But in this case they're exacerbated by the simple ineptitude of the filmmaking." - Dr. Frank Swietek who is not only a film critic, but also Associate Professor of History at the University of Dallas
07-09-12 17:41:28
loqutor ::: Favorites
I wouldn't be surprised to find Ed Decker's name somewhere in the credits.
07-09-12 16:15:28
loqutor ::: Favorites
I never said that.
07-09-12 16:14:50
ExFilms ::: Favorites
oh, so that makes it ok.
07-09-12 04:16:03
smpf38 ::: Favorites
"Imagine a half-baked remake of "Schindler's List" by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and you get the idea." - Wade Major, Boxoffice dot com Wade has a point. This screenplay was written by evangelical Christians who are infamous for misrepresenting Mormon theology AND history.
07-09-10 22:14:36
smpf38 ::: Favorites
Yeah, I noticed that too. Of course the Mormon Church has this movie on the "do not watch list". EVERY rated R movie is on that list for Mormons (some choose to live by that advise and some don't).
07-09-10 22:10:46

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