Thursday, September 6, 2007

Prom Queen Episode 57: Queen 4 a Day

Duration: 02:06 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-27 20:43:13
User: promqueentv
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Sadie gets a shocker.

koreangirl12 ::: Favorites
07-06-28 05:26:01
icantlivewithoutrock ::: Favorites
aww i feel bad for Ben
07-06-25 02:26:52
TH1991 ::: Favorites
YES! I officially love this episode. I was want Sadie to win...just not die.
07-06-20 14:23:45
whateversup ::: Favorites
I agree...I don't know why...but I just didn't warm up to all. :3
07-06-15 00:25:56
yodaman40 ::: Favorites
Danica is kind of weak as an actress..over-acts too much
07-06-05 09:50:58
Lovielauren ::: Favorites
what's up with danica and saddie bitching at eachother? am i missing something?
07-05-31 20:01:36
mintgirl910 ::: Favorites
how can it say this was uploaded on the 27th when it was really was not. are they having massive upload delays causing it to show up several days after the fact?
07-05-31 13:15:25
megginc ::: Favorites
Good to know that I'm not the only one ;p
07-05-31 11:21:58
MissElphieThropp ::: Favorites
I hate Danica. [it feels kinda weird to say that because my best friend's name is Danica] She's ugly and a bad actress.
07-05-30 20:27:16
dadiva18 ::: Favorites
yay! finally 57 cuz i was confused when i saw 58. sadie nominated? when the frig did she get nominated? lol
07-05-30 16:48:31

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