Friday, September 28, 2007

Re: Card Magic - this'n'that

Duration: 01:15 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-16 04:24:26
User: ongarman2
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Me doing the 'this and that card trick'


german300188 ::: Favorites
aaach du bist schlecht!! das original ist 100 mal besser!
07-05-14 18:05:09
Aric94 ::: Favorites
As neat and clean as the first double flip was,i still saw it.
07-04-30 18:08:44
cap119 ::: Favorites
well he can broadcast it if he wants its up to him and i say good job keep it up and for the person that said about his double lifts well his double lifts are much better than mine xD
07-04-22 12:47:57
assomarglar ::: Favorites
ohh that's just fowl.. it's not done that way. you should learn it before you broadcast it to the world!
07-04-21 11:39:10
kingosamo ::: Favorites
aaah, u did it too slow and wrong
07-04-20 20:23:28
Cybrus07 ::: Favorites
You need more practice; focus particularly on your double lifts.
07-04-16 05:27:32
4y3paragon ::: Favorites
funny shit
07-04-15 04:22:12
eddydee182 ::: Favorites
u skipped a part and u suck!!1
07-04-14 21:21:36
Dudewinner ::: Favorites
how do you do it coz i dnt want to be ripped of into buying a stupid video
07-04-14 19:15:37
Link933 ::: Favorites
well that explains ur voice :) anyway cool trick...could you sent me the explanation in slow motion :)?
07-04-14 04:55:06

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