Saturday, September 15, 2007

Re: Re: Swimming in the stream of consciousness

Duration: 06:13 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-25 20:57:46
User: Blade376
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It's amazing how views of people can change within days!

innieg ::: Favorites
Well said, i wish i was as verbally articulate as you! luvs ya inny-yeck!
06-12-02 21:56:59
BelatedCommiseration ::: Favorites
Spirited defense! I'll say one thing for ya Blade376, you have good taste in posters! I have the same 'Pink Floyd Back catalogue' poster hanging up on my wall!!!
06-11-28 05:15:48
jayess ::: Favorites
Well, he "can" be a dick. But, whatever. You don't have to like everybody, and you don't have to be liked by everybody. Hey, I hope that night was a good one for you.
06-11-27 18:37:18
mstax ::: Favorites
Uh... I think you hit it somewhere about the time you said "I don't know why i'm waisting time responding to you..." Exactly... there are people trying to do interesting things here, and others who exist to slag on them.
06-11-27 06:33:31
Twinkletoes666 ::: Favorites
I wish you'd stop jumping on bandwagons and getting involved in other peoples business.
06-11-27 05:42:17
arammat ::: Favorites
Myles, I only have one complaint about you. Had it not been for your fairness, and my desire to see the videos you respond to, I would have never had to waste precious minutes of my life watching the BoringDispatcher. Please don't do this to me again!! :)
06-11-27 02:54:36
kanindus ::: Favorites
I agree 10000% Myles. The way you put things makes perfect sense and I'm actually thinking that you should become the president of youtube or something. You will most definitely make the world a better place someday.
06-11-27 02:02:11
Blade376 ::: Favorites
"is there any reason to take this shit seriously" - was 3.30 in the morning lol.
06-11-27 00:54:30
Blade376 ::: Favorites
N i've learnt that chatting with him. I made this vid at 3.30 in the morning as i said to i was a bit meh haha
06-11-27 00:54:14
Diski ::: Favorites
You've got a good point there.
06-11-27 00:50:34

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