Monday, September 24, 2007

Unreal (original)

Duration: 05:46 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-12 15:05:21
User: EugeRomero
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This is the new version of the song Unreal, one of the first songs I've ever written. My pick fell off my fingers so you can see me go pick it up and start a new shot with it again :p And the pick actually creates a horrible sound. It wasn't mine, I borrowed it from a friend and I'm not quite used to it. Plus I equalized the sound and I didn't take into account it would be this loud... Lyrics:


missgnr ::: Favorites
Beautifull song, you realy have talent. Go on.
07-09-20 12:20:36
Thani ::: Favorites
Suena muy bien, felicidades y a seguir trabajando duro para llegar lejos. Saludos desde España.
07-09-04 08:36:05
restive123 ::: Favorites
Mija, your guitar sounds great, but you need to mic your voice better...the guitar overpowers you.
07-08-17 15:52:34
JuliAKD ::: Favorites
07-08-11 13:33:56
carlosoz ::: Favorites
Felicitaciones !!!
07-08-03 01:14:17
tanishagirl ::: Favorites
pero cuando quieras! estoy acá, sabelo :P
07-07-30 18:39:43
EugeRomero ::: Favorites
aaaaaah pero muchísimas gracias a mi asistente personal tanishachica =P un beso loca
07-07-30 18:32:37
tanishagirl ::: Favorites
Pablo Ramirez si no me equivoco es el "malo" de Operacion Triunfo Argentina; todos se le quejaban, en gral por ser honesto y hacer buenas críticas pero un tanto ácidas, ja...
07-07-30 16:14:15
chuckadile ::: Favorites this track
07-07-30 10:52:06
EugeRomero ::: Favorites
Well thank you so much for watching and commenting like this, it's really inspiring, actually. Thanks again!
07-07-28 03:55:15

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