Friday, October 5, 2007

amish paradise

Duration: 03:28 minutes
Upload Time: 06-02-27 20:16:11
User: CQd44
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amish paradise by weird al


Jerodrik ::: Favorites
ha ha lol they wrong for that
07-05-11 19:04:21
kirby122 ::: Favorites
sweating to death
07-04-10 22:22:17
Stevo199 ::: Favorites
ALT F4 closes the screen, dumbass.
07-04-03 18:01:53
RockLeesfangirl2 ::: Favorites
lol so funny!
07-03-23 18:28:47
pur3pk3rpwn ::: Favorites
fucking chain letters
07-03-19 23:26:02
jab032988 ::: Favorites
It's really great how he overdoes the sweat at the end.
07-02-17 14:28:05
dragongemprincess ::: Favorites
my god, i can't listen to the real version without thinking of this song.
07-02-15 12:28:25
kokluvskce22 ::: Favorites
ok they should like have him moonwalk like michel jackson and then like grab his crotch
07-02-09 18:00:32
kokluvskce22 ::: Favorites
wow ur rite! so does that mean they like burn witches? kinda weird if ya ask me... but then again he is weird al
07-02-09 17:59:11
kokluvskce22 ::: Favorites
i luv the sign on the quilt stand " Our prices art INSANE!" also the amish playboy magazine, that is probably the most shamful thing in amishland.
07-02-09 17:57:43

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