Tuesday, October 9, 2007

ask me stuff!

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 07-10-06 16:46:23
User: bicycleconnoisseur
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yes i know i'm having trouble getting my words out today it would be nice for some of you to ask maybe some challenging questions or ones i have to think particularly hard about... yes, that would be nice.


Sarsington ::: Favorites
i second that question! or maybe polynesian?
07-10-09 00:32:17
IsaacBickerstaffEsq ::: Favorites
Do you think that Bob Jackson still makes the paragon of touring frames? Come to think of it; how do you stand on the whole steel/aluminium/titanium/carbon thingy?
07-10-08 13:58:29
IsaacBickerstaffEsq ::: Favorites
1. I try very hard not to have to. 2. Under the sofa cushion with your Palm stylus. 3. Answering question two for fun and prizes. 4. Well, duh!
07-10-08 13:56:32
stoopidcommenthater ::: Favorites
Hope its not inapropriate but i've seen a few of your vids - do you have any chinese/thai family as your eyes are very striking!
07-10-08 10:50:00
lifestinks1 ::: Favorites
Have you noticed, that every time you move forward and backwards, your camera try's to go sharp again? Anyway, my question is: Do you see any differences between your (british) english speaking culture and for excample the american or australian culture?
07-10-08 09:41:59
AcrossTheUniverse42 ::: Favorites
1. do you like to eat toast? 2. have you ever chased a rainbow? 3. have you ever gone to the United States? 4. what is the square root of 54?
07-10-07 22:57:32
nalawest ::: Favorites
great questions
07-10-07 19:33:32
vanawesome ::: Favorites
these are great questions.
07-10-07 19:18:41
808brawler ::: Favorites
Put yur video camera on focus hold! It will help the hazy in and out focusing!
07-10-07 17:00:04
Mutey7 ::: Favorites
Ok, questions! 1. If you were able to gain a limb or body part, what would you add to yourself. 2. If you were an apple, what type of apple would you be? 3. If you were a superhero, what would be your catch-phrase? Thankye!
07-10-07 16:24:08

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