Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Caught in the Middle of a Riddle

Duration: 04:34 minutes
Upload Time: 06-02-28 12:32:39
User: usiku
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The characters of the Soul Calibur series caught in the riddle of Soul Edge. Some things might not fit so well because of the limited footage that I had. (Like Setsuka "betraying" Mitsurugi, when in reality, she wanted to avenge her master.) The SC3 footage is not the best and I apologize. One day, if I find it in better quality, I hope to remake this. Sorry for the repeat of some clips, I just didn't find any other clips I liked to fit those parts. But....anyway...Please watch and enjoy!^_^ Song: The Riddle From: The Scarlet Pimpernel Footage: SC, SC2, and SC3


ananda81 ::: Favorites
You did an awesome job!!! I was very familiar with the musical and the song but I never thought that it would work for "Soul Calibur"...however, now, after seeing this video; it works perfectly !!! XD
07-08-12 03:50:43
bandit445 ::: Favorites
07-04-26 21:16:22
JinJin93 ::: Favorites
This really is fantastic. It's different and so easy to watch. It's definitely a classic!
07-03-26 22:56:30
SoumaAkito ::: Favorites
I love this song! =O
07-03-14 21:18:31
QueenPimptress ::: Favorites
HOSHIZ! Scarlet Pimpernel & Soul Calibur -- the two things I love SOOOOO much in the world
07-02-26 21:23:08
liiandrabyrd ::: Favorites
this song is phenominal :D anyone know where I can find a copy of it?
07-02-08 15:45:11
ladynellie4u ::: Favorites
this looks very cool so cool its HOt
07-01-03 08:25:52
MARSTheSkinMaker ::: Favorites
That was awesome!
06-12-06 11:52:31
usiku ::: Favorites
Thanks! ^_^
06-12-01 12:08:51
tenchi8 ::: Favorites
A creative classic! I love how you edit the video to the song. exellent work.
06-10-18 14:26:09

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