Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Chihuahua Annoying the Doberman

Duration: 02:17 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-27 18:11:04
User: cwdressen
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Pablo can't stand to be away from Ramsey, but sometimes she just wants to be alone.


ChocolatesForYou ::: Favorites
I can't stand it. Your dogs are wonderful and beautiful. Hope you keep making videos! [=
07-09-29 22:04:30
nailbunnygirl ::: Favorites
do your doggy's sleep with you?
07-09-25 15:52:26
Sandratjeuh ::: Favorites
oh really? My dogs can't do that :( I was learning my pincher that, but he just never learn it I guess :( So anyone who has a hint how to get them to sit and put their leggs in the air? Cuz when my dogs see food, they just sit and if u don't look at them, they jump :p Greetz,XxX
07-09-24 16:20:23
blahblah1103 ::: Favorites
Most dogs actually just learn how to do that themselves.
07-09-23 23:16:09
YubiShines ::: Favorites
Oh lord, that whining could shatter glass. A deaf person would have given in and hauled Pablo up.
07-09-23 03:29:44
COBLE101 ::: Favorites
laughingperson- You are an idiot.. Pablo! So cute!! =D
07-09-22 23:20:55
laughingperson ::: Favorites
Such a cute Chihuahua! I'd kick him and smash him because he's so adorable!
07-09-22 22:05:47
yoobeetoobee ::: Favorites
Haham it's Ramsey, but Randy's nice too
07-09-22 10:14:11
pcgic ::: Favorites
It looks like he really understands you and he begged you not make him to do this. ( lying near the dpberman I mean ) You can really comminicate with him.
07-09-21 18:54:58
AmberChristyOrton ::: Favorites
This is so cute that dude should just let him go up there at firsy
07-09-21 18:41:04

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