Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Dirge of Cerberus English CM

Duration: 01:02 minutes
Upload Time: 06-07-22 01:06:31
User: gameral05
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First Dirge of Cerberus English Trailer


Arina ::: Favorites
06-09-08 22:44:13
gameral05 ::: Favorites
Unrelated: David Hayter also wrote the screenplays for the first two xmen movies.
06-08-25 14:27:38
Lunar6 ::: Favorites
Steve Blum is everywhere XD. But he sounds okay as Vincent I guess. Also, has anyone heard of David Hayter (he does the voice of Solid Snake)? That guy sounds almost exactly like Blum.
06-08-25 12:58:45
Lunar6 ::: Favorites
The second PoP of the trilogy to be exact. Just sayin'
06-08-25 12:55:50
bagsek87 ::: Favorites
yay vincent
06-08-21 23:58:21
IxoRose ::: Favorites
The game kicks arse. I dislikes Vincents voice but it gets better throughout the game. I reccomend buying Dirge Of Cerberus, It was worth my money, so it would most likely be worth yours to.
06-08-21 22:41:01
tanjavasi ::: Favorites
LOL...I thought I was commenting on the opening movie...when in fact this is the trailer where we actually get to hear Reeve`s fabulous sounding English voice xD
06-08-19 02:38:13
tanjavasi ::: Favorites
LOL "Go Stevie!" that sounds so cute xD But I agree - from what I have heard so far - Steven Blum sounds great in the role of Vincent! Too bad Reeve does not show up in this clip from the opening movie...
06-08-19 02:34:38
CircleHead ::: Favorites
God vincent's voice sucks!...i y'know what i mean right it's like....he needs a cough medicine or something.....i like the japanese type
06-08-17 05:58:46
4zR43LxTh3xV15u4L ::: Favorites
Ah well, that bites. Cause...Gackt could have delivered the lines. He speaks...kinda sorta english. XD
06-08-16 13:21:28

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