Monday, October 1, 2007

Featured Cheaters: oldnataliedee & drewtoothpaste

Duration: 10:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-31 23:04:17
User: YTwatchdog
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I'm sorry this one is so long :/ This was an in depth investigation rrrrrrrrr!


faszika ::: Favorites
ur goin down drew! the people have spoken! y did u do it?> talentless hack
07-10-01 06:04:36
drewtooothpaste ::: Favorites
So I have a buttload of dummy subscribers, so what? It's not like I am the only one doing it. That's why I am left alone. Everyone is doing it! No one wants this thing exposed.
07-10-01 05:52:40
madaraszka ::: Favorites
discuss this, it needs to be adressed he has over 15.000 dummy acounts! he is in the top 10 most subscribed comedian list! he is a tumor!
07-10-01 03:58:50
faszika ::: Favorites
jesusaurous is also one of drew toothpaste's s 15.000 fake account. this cannot be allowed to happen, cheatrs cannot get to the top. email youtube, have him banned!
07-10-01 02:33:46
faszika ::: Favorites
watch your mouth jesusaurous (drew) we already hacked into your account to get your list revealed, you behave nasty and we delete you the easy way
07-10-01 02:31:07
madaraszka ::: Favorites
jesusaurous is also one on drew toothpaste's account click the vide response here to see his HIDDEN subscriber list.
07-10-01 02:25:30
cusher2618 ::: Favorites
i want a musical lol
07-10-01 00:26:15
faszika ::: Favorites
drew toothpaste will soon be durrrrrrrrrrrred off of YT
07-09-30 08:59:53
Lotusama ::: Favorites
I like your longer rants! Keep 'em longer. Your rants are very amusing.
07-09-28 05:35:48
SoapSoapCrayon ::: Favorites
You sing well.
07-09-25 23:50:31

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