Thursday, October 4, 2007


Duration: 00:40 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-20 13:30:09
User: newvision4him
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THIS is us taking a stand for what needs to be done. letting pervs know that WE DONT LIKE WHAT THEY ARE DOING AND KIDS ARE TIRED OF THEM!!!!


wdfu44 ::: Favorites
I don't think they getting away not in USA no wayyyyyyyy
07-10-02 01:28:28
themeanstoanend ::: Favorites
You don't sound too smart either.This child made this vid willingly,would you prefer then that the child porn vids made with victims be shown here,oh right,thanks to a'hole viewers like you,and the failure of YT,they are.Troll elsewhere.
07-09-30 14:59:56
themeanstoanend ::: Favorites
Short of the gods actually taking pedophiles out with lightning bolts,it is left to us to fight this battle on behalf of our children.The more people like you,the harder the battle,the greater the reward though.Saving one child is what matters,not pro pedophile slop on line
07-09-30 14:56:43
themeanstoanend ::: Favorites
It's the ball you dropped not the bait
07-09-30 14:54:38
themeanstoanend ::: Favorites
Then you are more wrong than ever
07-09-30 14:54:20
majorashole ::: Favorites
Soon as a woman cries rape or molestation theres at least three knee - jerk fools who want to be hero..Fact is theres lots of people "crying wolf" just to get back at thier partners and i think this might be one of those cases.
07-09-30 06:58:15
majorashole ::: Favorites
I dont sound stupid,its a craze thats spreading like wildfire."Look at me im a victim".."Shower me with sympathy".Thats why i said the the child has been brainwashed cant you see that SHEEPMAN?
07-09-30 06:43:44
mo2kidzs ::: Favorites
"But i choose not to be one of those "professional victims" who do anything for a bit of attention." Wow u are insane, yep I'm sure when we were kids we said to self, gee when I grow up i wanna be a professional victim. Yeah cuz it just been a blast.See how stupid you sound?
07-09-30 06:10:50
mo2kidzs ::: Favorites
Who u talking major ahole? No one ever baits me, hint might help if u put the poster name your posts, gezzz.
07-09-30 06:05:08
majorashole ::: Favorites
I dropped the bait and you took it.Congrats for being one of the sheep.Go ahead keep spreading the paranioa and the hatred it makes us all better people..Doesnt it?
07-09-30 05:56:47

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