Monday, October 22, 2007

I Could Tell You - Doctor/Martha/Rose

Duration: 04:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-15 13:43:29
User: AisicsRule
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Martha wonders why the Doctor doesn't see what's standing right next to him. Little does she know, Rose once wondered the same thing. This has been sitting on my computer 3/4 of the way done for over a month now, and it was irritating me. So I finished it up so it would stop mocking me. To me this video is borderline crack, but that's cause I can't take Taylor Swift seriously. Really it's not crack at all and only slightly cheesy. Angst-lite.


HogwartsHonorRoll ::: Favorites
Again with the fanasticness :D Good one.
07-10-21 16:10:25
melic410 ::: Favorites
This video is amazing! One of my all-time favorites for sure. Beautifully created. It's brilliant!
07-10-18 19:58:03
whoknows2007 ::: Favorites
We want Rose back! Please sign the petition for a Doctor Who movie with Rose and the Doctor (we'll be sending it to the BBC when we get enough signatures): w-w-w dot petitiononline dot com / rosie111 Sorry if you think this is spam, but I don't reckon it is. I just want Rose back, and I know loads of people agree.
07-10-17 09:44:52
PrincessSEH ::: Favorites
Fantastic! Brillant!
07-10-16 21:18:46
pwettywipples ::: Favorites
That was really well done. Song aside, Doctor Who aside... the editing was some of the best I've seen on YouTube, so you should be proud.
07-10-16 04:05:36
noleen83 ::: Favorites
I adore this song too!!!! FAB!!! I am a Rose/Doctor fan all the way!!
07-10-16 02:51:07
purplemonster777 ::: Favorites
This is fantastic. You've done an amazing job of matching the lyrics to the clips!
07-10-16 02:28:02
Venadar ::: Favorites
Oh my god I loved this. Love the song, love the editing, love the theme! Love!!!
07-10-16 01:14:07
cazzykay23 ::: Favorites
07-10-15 23:42:41

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