Saturday, October 6, 2007

Japan TV - Fashion in Japan - Part 2/2

Duration: 06:55 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-06 08:35:08
User: Loompa69
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Aired: 2000 Japan TV Fashion in Japan


bambata83 ::: Favorites
yeah that was too much, they idolize them and that's not good
07-10-04 22:46:08
angeladdo ::: Favorites
i prefer japanese than occidental :P
07-10-04 13:38:32
primitivemon ::: Favorites
I went to High school in Tokyo Japan. The girls were so fascinated with me. Few had ever touched African American hair. I had a lot of girlfriends. And it's true too, Japanese Guys can't get enough of blondes.
07-09-30 10:34:29
lCrisiSl ::: Favorites
wooo!! kimutaku looove !! he is soo hot !
07-09-18 15:14:30
hafsa01 ::: Favorites
i looove japan , i wish visitin it !!
07-09-18 11:56:02
AyAyMari ::: Favorites
I'm sorry if this may seem like a retarded question, but the japanese are obsessed with westerners but what about african american westerners? I love the Japanese and their culture and it would break my heart if they thought less of us. I used to lived there for six years and is determined to go back. Just asking hoping to look for a reasonable answer.
07-09-18 10:38:47
omichiro ::: Favorites
I can't stand Ganguro girls but Ginza girls are nice. :[ Sigh I love Japan anyway.
07-09-16 22:23:39
78787XxjamesXx787878 ::: Favorites
Wow's : D
07-09-08 23:17:38
mencken ::: Favorites
Oh, then you're blind?
07-09-08 02:04:11
hot12lips12 ::: Favorites
i don't get why they like western styles, their styles r much better
07-09-03 01:42:05

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