Saturday, October 13, 2007

Life after 'Leave Britney Alone'

Duration: 02:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-08 16:47:49
User: ChrisCrockerResponds
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Life after 'Leave Britney Alone'


3vilfairy8 ::: Favorites
i love you cris <3<3 xxxx
07-10-13 06:00:14
ole523 ::: Favorites
paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarhhhhhhhhhhhhh stupid
07-10-13 05:26:35
kdcrms06 ::: Favorites
Just like britney has her fans, Chris has his. Good luck with the case, Chris, we are all pulling for you. Also, good for you for not just rolling over to the media. If they dont want to post the whole story, we'll just have to give everyone the REAL whole story. Love you chris! good luck
07-10-13 04:49:45
krazygirlie ::: Favorites
isnt it funny, that Britney doesnt even like him, and finds him creepy.. lmao
07-10-13 04:44:55
Drax812 ::: Favorites
wow , it don't get much more flamboyantly gay than that folks. This guy-gal has stretched the envelope of gay tolerance, give it a rest. All us mere mortals need time to heal. And as for it's little "fame" 30 minutes, more like 15 seconds.
07-10-13 04:39:40
Cdelga14 ::: Favorites
U can jus shut up about britney spears she does drugs and drinks alot and that is why she lost her children in a custidy battle the girl u like is like u a big gay slut
07-10-13 04:30:18
purerandomosity ::: Favorites
I'm probably going to get loads of "Thumbs Downs" for this comment, but whatever. Chris Crocker, you rock. I love the way you look at things And you're absolutely right. Ignore the haters. You are my new hero. <3
07-10-13 04:22:51
MarkOwenFan07 ::: Favorites
Yurr Right!
07-10-13 04:24:37
M3XX3 ::: Favorites
ill call u a mother fucker
07-10-13 04:09:08
herschede94 ::: Favorites
so what is his next step now since hollywood didn't work out for him? is he just going to be a club kid- get paid to show up at nightclubs?
07-10-13 03:58:49

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