Monday, October 8, 2007

Little Beauties Part 3

Duration: 10:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-17 14:27:18
User: xblondbimbox
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Little Beauties part 3


actress987 ::: Favorites
These mothers are living through there kids! its disgusting...
07-09-25 06:12:03
irishrocker ::: Favorites
am I the only one who thinks these are wrong? The only good pageant was the one in little miss sunshine
07-09-15 05:26:20
sienna2112 ::: Favorites
i really like jordan's personality, she's so sweet!
07-09-09 11:07:33
singlb2447 ::: Favorites
crowns are a status symbol...the bigger the doesnt matter if u can't keep them on ur head, because u win them and then u bring them home to display them....i judged kynnedy in a local prelim (jut once though) and thought she was amazing, but at that time i hadn't really heard of her. she also won overall princess or overall talent at sunburst that year..anyways she and her mom are sooooooo nice :-) her dad wasn't there tho.
07-09-05 12:59:17
katycarter2000 ::: Favorites
yeh joanna whitner is a pro ive seen her as the winner on aboput 7 diff pageant sites , beating kennery and aleena and jordan arnt in the top 15th !
07-09-03 09:27:05
PinkLadyErin1 ::: Favorites
When I saw her pro picture, I thought it looked familiar. She's the only one I've recognized.
07-08-30 17:13:11
PinkLadyErin1 ::: Favorites
Why do they give them crowns so huge? They can't even keep them on their heads without holding them up.
07-08-30 17:12:30
antheadakota ::: Favorites
it's good how they try and give most of the kids a prize
07-08-29 05:53:43
antheadakota ::: Favorites
i'd love to go back to doing them. i did them when i was like 1-3 and won like cutest child and stuff. that was ages ago ! lol
07-08-29 05:50:25
antheadakota ::: Favorites
how old are you? where do you do them? xx
07-08-29 05:49:41

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