Saturday, October 6, 2007

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Tribute

Duration: 05:33 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-07 16:54:01
User: Gothicslayer
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I was going through my old stuff in the attic and found my old power ranger stuff. Those were the days. So that's what "insipred" me to make this. I used clips from Green with evil + White light There both my favourite parts of power rangers and always will be. Keep watching my profile power ranger fans. My video dedicated to tommy's rise and fall as the green ranger is coming soon.


Gail06k590 ::: Favorites
This site is pretty cool for awesome webcam girls - _FUNDATERS.COM_
07-10-06 02:13:33
rammstein20007 ::: Favorites
i want the song....who can send it to me ;;) I loved this show when i was a Kid:D once again please send me the song or tell me who is the singer:X
07-10-05 07:45:08
macjnsb728 ::: Favorites
This vid is nice.. you can get the complete version at _TIME4CAMZ.COM_
07-10-04 21:35:11
wormwood5073 ::: Favorites
The 1st season of Power Rangers will always be the best. To hell the new ones; they just suck.
07-10-02 01:01:31
chizziex213 ::: Favorites
This vid is awesome but youtube will just delete it, girls are posting way better uncensored ones on _TIME4CAMZ.COM_
07-09-30 16:17:28
Greenkey23 ::: Favorites
Go Go Power Rangers, indeed. And Rita on her bike put me in a giggle fit. :P Awesome tribute to a childhood love. ;)
07-09-29 23:12:45
poopinasack ::: Favorites
lol the special effects still haven't got better. and why do they use kung fu when they have guns!!!!???
07-09-29 21:04:49
Script10k ::: Favorites
The power rangers 1 was the best serie of them all. The power ranger green is the best. ;)
07-09-29 05:48:55
RisenHellFire ::: Favorites
Stupid it may have been, classic it will always be.
07-09-27 21:27:36
SupremeJedi1 ::: Favorites
Best children's show EVER!!!
07-09-27 15:12:28

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