Friday, October 12, 2007


Duration: 03:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-04 00:02:23
User: zacefronfan15
:::: Favorites
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Jake met Miley at a award ceremony and they were friends but he wanted more then they got to kno eachother as friends but once he asked her to be his gf they got in a terrible fight and he kissed her (on accident!)and she was feriece even though she liked him she wasn't ready for that!so she told him goodbye and she left.Well 5 yrs later she sees him again on tv and she's sooo shocked she calls up lily and oliver and they meet up at the concert...she looks back on those days at the concert and regrets what she did but she kno's she can't take it back.Now Jake has a new girl and Miley doesn't kno this till she gets backstage and she says that she's cool with it(obviously she still has feelings for him!).Next we kno it she starts singing his songs for him and she sings about her and him meeting the girl that he use to kno(Miley!) P.S.I DON'T OWN ANY OF THESE HANNAH MONTANA CLIPS OR THE SONG!! P.S. SONG-SKATER BOI-AVRIL LAVIGNE CLIPS FROM-PEOPLE WHO USE PEOPLE LEAVE GOOD COMMENTS AND RATINGS!!!


xDisenyPrincessgirlx ::: Favorites
thats ok
07-10-11 00:03:45
zacefronfan15 ::: Favorites
im srry about that!it was my first video so.....
07-10-09 20:41:37
xDisenyPrincessgirlx ::: Favorites
its all blury
07-10-09 19:35:58
zacefronfan15 ::: Favorites
me too!i always listen to it!and THX...for the comment!!=)
07-10-06 15:20:09
FLIGHT29DOWNFAN15 ::: Favorites
I love this song cute video too!
07-10-06 15:18:08
zacefronfan15 ::: Favorites
thank u!=) im srry for the sound i didn't kno why it messed up!
07-10-05 09:43:43
alohagirl314 ::: Favorites
nice video!! ~.O
07-10-05 03:28:00
HSMfreak105 ::: Favorites
Two vids in one day WOW!!
07-10-04 21:50:53
zacefronfan15 ::: Favorites
thank u very much!!!
07-10-04 18:54:48
zacefronfan15 ::: Favorites
thx!!!!i appreciate it!!!
07-10-04 18:53:34

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