Saturday, October 6, 2007

MItt Romney

Duration: 02:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-21 03:38:11
User: stavros333
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Exposing and revealing the truth of Mitt Romney. He is a staunch Mormon, and if you knew the truth of the Mormon LDS church no sane person would ever vote for such a man as President of The United States


gezana ::: Favorites
Hahaha! What's with the narrator's voice? You Americans are bloody wacked up. Scared of a mormon, lol
07-05-04 19:01:53
littlewhittle001 ::: Favorites
Your actually agreeing with someone who uses the Constitution of the United States of America (and therefore our freedom of religious belief)in his video as a pretext to discriminate against Mitt Romney? Truth be told, Mitt Romney's extreme competency and qualifications have you scared stupid. Or perhaps you are simply a religious bigot? Either way, it doesn't look good for you.
07-05-04 18:23:06
joemama808 ::: Favorites
mormonism is the only strong-valued church left. keep YOU out of the white house
07-05-04 00:08:12
transamspirit ::: Favorites
you know some people would take this video serious if the stupid "Conspiracy" Voice was ditched.... You only hurt your own campaign.
07-05-03 18:46:14
ThumperOne ::: Favorites
A vote for Romney is a vote for family values.
07-05-03 15:53:22
proud2bemormon ::: Favorites
Don't you have something better to do with your time...I mean really...for instance it would be a good start to get your facts a little more straight...
07-05-03 02:40:09
mommyofaustin ::: Favorites
Amen brother! Great job on this video! I couldn't have said it better myself! Just say NO, NO, NO to Romney and keep the Mormon agenda out of the White House!
07-05-02 00:20:18
NoneBeforeNoneAfter ::: Favorites
Do you belive what these verses say? psalm 12:6, Is 43:10, Is 44:6, Is 45:5 45:21, Mat 1:18, Luke 1:35, John 8:58, John 10:30, 1 tim 3:16. The bible about false prophets: Deut 13, 2nd cor. 11:13, which church currently has 12 apostles? Whos ministers? Hmmm. Psalm 12:6 Satan! Has the power to transform himself into an angel of light.
07-04-30 02:21:22
CobraR ::: Favorites
Even if he did get elected it wouldn't mean anything in regards to his faith influence. I mean, Bush is pretty much a bible thumper and that hasn't gotten him anywhere in regards to influencing his decision upon others. Hell he can't even get half of his own party to agree with him let alone anything else.
07-04-29 00:41:59
07prankster ::: Favorites
Thanks bud!
07-04-28 15:23:44

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