Saturday, October 6, 2007

Respect Terry McDermott

Duration: 03:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-08 22:18:54
User: brazil70
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Goals for Liverpool


Agudkickin ::: Favorites
How can you do a montage of Terry Mac goals without the famous "seventh"
07-06-28 18:50:04
footyfreak02 ::: Favorites
i think he scored a hat-tirck against the team in blue!
07-04-10 10:13:56
eddy756 ::: Favorites
That goal on 1:20 is Amazing !!! YNWA
07-03-01 15:33:18
KuriMoore ::: Favorites
It was goal of the season. Goal of any season if you ask me
07-03-30 12:28:55
7aint9 ::: Favorites
"we were all tensed up and tight ready for this top of the table clash. We(Villa)had pinned Liverpool back and then Liverpool was like a red tide as they stomed out as a unit all together. As I turned to chase back Terry Mac, like a kid on the play ground, was charging up field blowing an imaginary bugle with one hand and patting the back side of his imaginary horse with the other." lol!
07-01-30 13:58:25
brazil70 ::: Favorites
thats hillarious!
07-02-03 10:17:02
KuriMoore ::: Favorites
That goal he wallops in against Spurs half way thru this vid is an absolute pearler!
07-01-25 13:52:52
kopite90 ::: Favorites
one of the best ever players ever to wear the liverbird on his chest. check out what juzie1980 has uploaded.
07-01-13 21:41:54

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