Sunday, October 28, 2007

Reverse Speech: Britney Spears-Gimme More: Britney dead?

Duration: 03:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-27 05:40:50
User: CanadianVandal
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Reverse Speech: Britney Spears - Gimme More: Britney dead? Snake=Reptilians Possessed by Reptilians? or killed? Would explain her change from good girl to psychotic train wreck. Would also explain this video, where she is trying to communicate she is missing time, and about time travel.


tyler10125 ::: Favorites
that is some funny sh!%
07-10-28 04:33:48
AfterTheTruth ::: Favorites
Outstanding work, more please! I'm itching to start doing some reversals myself.
07-10-27 20:37:58
Goldedstar ::: Favorites
My God, you do reverse speaking videos too, KICK ASS DUDE. There is so much truth spoken in reverse speaking........this video and her words are horribly sad, she is not Britney but clearly a mind control puppet of the government. She's a prisoner in her own body and it is sad. KEEP UP THE REVERSE SPEAKING VIDEOS, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! Their true words are spoken in reverse, wait till you go over bush's video.....horrifing, truly!
07-10-27 17:09:40
lovethereptillian ::: Favorites
Poor kid. They brainwashed her for life! It is sad, i hope she gets out of it, but i am afraid, she can not do that.
07-10-27 11:31:55
obaidkarki ::: Favorites
Thank you Great video. You are a good Youtube community member Keep up with the good work. Don't stop Keep posting your videos Please accept my subscription and YT-Friendship. Best wishes Obaid Karki An Outcast Kabbalist Spinoziste Pantheon Hexalingual Automath Former UAE Under Secretary Independant Street-Knowledge Talkshow Guru. Unaffiliated to a State, an Organized Religion Group, a Sect or a Kin and an Anti Tribal Gentile.
07-10-27 10:45:39
Sno0py87 ::: Favorites
Hey CanadianVandal, are you able to make the fonts a brighter green colour? next time you do videos? becoz i can barely read them.
07-10-27 08:54:31
Turpsup ::: Favorites
"Who roam in me?" at the end.
07-10-27 07:38:59
Turpsup ::: Favorites
Clearly whispering subliminals, dual layer voice.
07-10-27 07:37:26
CanadianVandal ::: Favorites
Snake - Reptilian ! "She's dead"
07-10-27 06:00:03
AgentJoannaDark ::: Favorites
"Possessed by Reptilians? or killed? " BOTH killed and replaced by a Reptilian clone, like many are see PK nice Reverse Speech Videos, highly interesting
07-10-27 09:24:33

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