Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Duration: 04:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-15 23:31:44
User: trueenemy0
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Alternate ending to the Director's Cut DVD. IMO, this is much better then the original


fartboy93 ::: Favorites
Better ending. Matthew is back and in a trap dont know about gordon though they cut the whole idea that matthews character died.
07-10-22 19:20:25
rpace120 ::: Favorites
Matthews and Gordan will might be in saw 4 I hope.
07-10-22 19:12:57
Jdrcsc2 ::: Favorites
I don't think Matthews died.
07-10-22 18:46:00
Dementor11 ::: Favorites
Where is the unreleased deleted scene where it shows Eric Matthews death? If someone has it, please put it on YouTube.
07-10-22 04:54:50
Lucylover1986 ::: Favorites
I like this ending. Like how it closes on the "you have to play a game" line.
07-10-22 00:40:41
jaimonvoyage ::: Favorites
not much difference, just she dies before he plays the tape.. still interesting
07-10-22 00:10:19
zenomicron ::: Favorites
cool great
07-10-21 17:14:32
DaRk3rAz0r ::: Favorites
Wenn du diesen Text NICHT kopierst, und ihn in 7 anderen Videos einfügst, stirbst du innerhalb von einem Jahr qualvoll! Tust du dies dagegen, dann du in den nächsten 7 Tagen von etwas schönem überrascht
07-10-21 08:12:18
strand2800 ::: Favorites
Cool... But I'm glad they used the ending as they did in the rated edision...
07-10-20 22:09:38
Ultimatum9 ::: Favorites
This rendition of the tape speach is actually angrier than the normal one
07-10-20 20:06:29

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