Thursday, October 11, 2007

Smart diablo vs Farrari

Duration: 00:39 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-10 13:04:49
User: joshuavince1
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you would think that this is a clear cut case...but it isn't


Gryph31 ::: Favorites
its too block his number plate fool
07-03-19 17:19:32
DOSEmulation ::: Favorites
This is impossible unless the F430 had its RPMs cranked high before takeoff, which caused slipping. Plus, that little smart would still need to be modified in order to keep up. Is this even necessary to post?
07-03-02 17:01:25
Krautlover ::: Favorites
This is real, the Smart has the Suzuki Hyabusa engine implated. Fuck Ferrari!
07-03-30 16:21:03
DOSEmulation ::: Favorites
Then it's not a stock Smart, hence modified.
07-06-21 18:41:16
mustangwner2003V6 ::: Favorites
you made the dumbest comment i've seen.
07-06-21 16:17:13
TheAbaddon666 ::: Favorites
uuu yya guess u didn't kno but umm now days just to be stupid in complete awsumness sum ppl will put a "hayabusa" motor in their smart car, yyyyaa so uuu.. fyi there.. BUSA RULES!!!!
07-09-20 14:24:31
danaldinho82 ::: Favorites
probably gsxr1000 engine
07-02-24 23:02:43
brentbtrini ::: Favorites
lol smart car
07-01-20 16:34:22
bryceyoda ::: Favorites
what tha hell is in that thing
07-01-11 14:44:26

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