Sunday, October 21, 2007

Southerners Are Insane

Duration: 03:14 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-17 22:45:20
User: nalts
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I Didn't Kill Her Stupid FISH! Southern people are just nuts. After "WienerGate," some chick from SouthTube (DatAintRight) told me I needed some lessons in Southern Etiquette. It didn't end up so well. Dataintright's response video is FAKE. I didn't do anything to her fish. Don't believe her or her 25 lying subscribers: P.S. I was born and raised in the DEEP South by 3rd generation Southerners....for you touchy rednecks who can't take a joke. It's like Borat can make fun of Jews because he is one. Have a Mint Julep and relax already.


MinutemanRadio ::: Favorites
Boy, it's a good thing you stopped in Dallas and didn't come up alittle further North to Denton, 'cuz I'd have to break my foot off in yer ass, with you making fun of Texans like that! I tell you what! That dawg don't hunt! And you ain't funny either! Yer plain stupid, I bet yer up there in Hollywierd trying to peddle yer CD's on the blvd. ain't you?
07-10-21 06:00:54
theNYslacker ::: Favorites
hahaah!! the infamous "nalts running with the video camera" scene.
07-10-20 20:58:41
HoleLottaLove2 ::: Favorites
Are you guys doing anything fun tonight? No? Hit me up. I'm bored and you're horny. Let's do something about this right now!
07-10-20 19:04:36
LooToo22 ::: Favorites
What did you do to the Fish?
07-10-20 16:14:42
squirrelygurl ::: Favorites
lol. I love Nalts
07-10-20 15:41:23
BinglesI ::: Favorites
Just to warn you: JESSICA IS NOT A WOMAN. (Not talking from experience)
07-10-20 15:06:47
UpDownMostly ::: Favorites
Tone at the top
07-10-20 15:06:21
Saraswatifan ::: Favorites
Don't waste your time. Nalts is Nalts. You don't ask Eskimos for coconuts. Don't ask Nalts for anything but his prized inanity. Hell, he's trying to become famous for it. And it's working.
07-10-20 12:27:26
JessicaFootballFan10 ::: Favorites
Want to know a secret? I am a camgirl and my parents have no clue! I'm gonna be on all night long. They're out anyways getting drunk. Little do they know, I'm drinking too! I need someone to talk to. Hit me up.
07-10-20 02:47:51
BillyO8834 ::: Favorites
i can't even begin to comprehend that comment nalts. have you seen any of your videos?
07-10-19 22:41:30

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