Saturday, October 27, 2007

TF2 - How to play the spy.

Duration: 09:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-22 11:24:34
User: EvilDaedalus
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Decided to make a spy gameplay tutorial after being in a server and seeing spies trying out all sorts of interesting tactics such as "uncloaking in front of your face" and "running towards you disguised with your name". This is just something based on my playstyle so you might say my tactics don't work, but I can usually come out on top of the scoreboard if the enemy team isn't overly paranoid. I use certain terms you may not have heard such as: Front - The area where most of the fighting takes place on a map. This constantly changes during the round and it's the place where you will most likely get shot if you get seen running towards the enemy base. Blind spot - An area where the enemy team has no vision. Use these blind spots to uncloak safely prior to a backstab. I haven't actually given any advice on when to use the disguise because basically you should be disguised at all times, except when you are inside your base. You can use the friendly disguise on your part of the map to confuse enemy spies. They won't expect that medic that ran behind them to instantly take them down. Music credits: Battery soundtrack from Splinter Cell Chaos Theory - Amon Tobin


aphhole ::: Favorites
Amon Tobin Chaos Theory Music?
07-10-27 05:06:33
twistedkatana1 ::: Favorites
most helpful video around
07-10-27 02:08:48
halo3d ::: Favorites
very good work man... looking forward to watching some demoman strats lol
07-10-27 00:14:02
hellshack ::: Favorites
your good at the spy
07-10-26 23:38:45
nicklaus32780 ::: Favorites
btw great video! 5/5!
07-10-26 23:11:03
nicklaus32780 ::: Favorites
yea i disguised as a medic once in the first boring old TFC and 1 guy went "Medic!" and i just shook my head no and he knew i wasnt a medic :(
07-10-26 22:59:59
darkmagic349 ::: Favorites
great video.
07-10-26 21:46:03
JDilla2812 ::: Favorites
very good video, you should make ones for diff claseses
07-10-26 21:41:01
Alastorlancer ::: Favorites
Master Spy! Great guide!
07-10-26 19:31:40
rockinman ::: Favorites
Wow, you rock at being a spy!
07-10-26 19:04:29

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