Friday, October 19, 2007

The Tonight Show: Ross The Intern at the Texas vs. OU Game

Duration: 03:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-12 20:12:34
User: NBC
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Ross The Intern at the Texas vs. OU Game on The Tonight Show.


sprklygrl1 ::: Favorites
07-10-18 18:19:50
NotSoCoolAfterAll2 ::: Favorites
07-10-18 10:24:46
preyivan ::: Favorites
lol such a fag . i like the sream,,
07-10-18 10:21:43
bmoz87 ::: Favorites
DON'T READ THIS I'M SOOOO SORRY EVRY1!!! If you do not copy and paste this onto 10 videos your mom will die in 4 hours
07-10-18 01:35:41
PanzerDSS ::: Favorites
Not funny. There's a lot of instances of hilarity at the RRS. This man failed to capture any of them.
07-10-17 20:28:18
MOBROOKS ::: Favorites
this guy is funny! I was at this game. it was my 5th red river rivalry. its the greatest tradition in college sports besides the final four... no, actually this is better. however, it sucked that it rained right after the game. I didn't get a turkey leg. maybe next year.
07-10-16 19:23:48
28adrianpeterson ::: Favorites
why do they have that faggot neporter
07-10-16 11:52:03
bedncoffee ::: Favorites
Nodoby's getting lucky tonight. My team loss, well honey you wanna do it. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
07-10-16 10:23:27
siril83 ::: Favorites
Gay?? Haahaahaha He is so gay funny, by the way Good!!
07-10-16 07:04:00
hulkperez ::: Favorites
Most def my fav gay guy...
07-10-16 02:52:53

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