Friday, October 12, 2007

Top 25 Creationist Fallacies

Duration: 25:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-06 17:56:37
User: ExtantDodo
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The Extant Dodos explain the meaning of the top 25 most common logical fallacies used by creationist speakers with examples from the most popular creationist speakers.


PhosphateSugar ::: Favorites
Bloody Beautiful Work!!!! Keep It Up
07-10-12 06:22:29
ShellyD999 ::: Favorites
Well done. A very thoughtful, and thought-provoking, video.
07-10-11 20:56:13
CindyPantz ::: Favorites
awesome video!
07-10-11 20:14:55
Sardonac ::: Favorites
nice vid
07-10-11 16:55:34
effyleven ::: Favorites
I agree this vid is excellent. Thank you for making it. It's now in my favourites.
07-10-11 14:32:37
zzbullan ::: Favorites
you realise you shot yourself in the foot, if it what you say then creationism is wrong because it resembles hmmm let me think religion. but we dont need your psudeoscience to tell us its wrong
07-10-11 08:54:16
Thunderf00t ::: Favorites
Fantastic vid!
07-10-11 02:52:01
ren5311 ::: Favorites
Sorry, I thought I re-replied to this. I agree with you. You are absolutely right that A=A is not a tautology. I should have said 'If A, then A' is always true and 'A' may be true, but it proves nothing. Initially, I was balking at the formal definition used in logic when I was trying to stress the rhetorical definition of 'needless repetition of an idea, statement, or word' (Merriam-Webster). Thanks for the evidentiary challenge and allowing me to clarify.
07-10-10 17:35:18
dtjulieb21 ::: Favorites
Makes for a great society...joke in case I did not convey it well.
07-10-10 11:01:40
dtjulieb21 ::: Favorites
Just commenting on the fact that these exist in many arguements. I never meant to imply you thought there weren't.
07-10-10 11:00:55

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