Saturday, November 3, 2007

RATDOG Dark Hollow 10-27-07

Duration: 04:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-28 14:03:40
User: landofcocacola
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My first video ever! VERY shaky, had to extend my arm(s) high above the Heads to get the shot. White stage light at the start did not help, but thought you might enjoy the Dark Hollow, I surely did! Great time at the Casino, thanks Ratdog for always coming back!


smokinass1 ::: Favorites
I was at this show on Saturday night in New Hampshire - I so loved it! thank you so much for sharing! Gotta luv that Ratdog! :o)
07-10-31 08:34:21
isjerryzkid ::: Favorites
wo hoooo ty WEIR awesome xoxox to ya n yer friend that posted Peace DA KID
07-10-29 07:44:00
deitrich23 ::: Favorites
I'm lovin' it- this tour is going to rock! I had the pleasure of seeing the two shows in Hampton and now I'm wishing I would have planned on more shows. Thanks for the video- brings back great memories of the night!
07-10-29 02:57:40
tooboardnews ::: Favorites
awsome to be able to see this one... thank you so much!!!!
07-10-28 22:41:37
Dancintank ::: Favorites
crowds outta control.... stfu stop yellin, whistlin and let bob sing .
07-10-28 15:07:53
WEIR4EVER ::: Favorites
One more thing: I just love to see the wrist action of the guy. Always fascinated me. Hope mine could be that limber and in time! Mr. Rhythm!
07-10-28 15:00:30
WEIR4EVER ::: Favorites
Hey my friend!!! Thanks a ton! Love it! Hope your arm doesn't hurt too much! Hey for a first vid, it's pretty cool! You sure managed to keep 'the main subject' in focus! Heee ha! I admire you could do that... I imagine myself shooting a vid while Mr. YKW is onstage.... not likely to happen, especially with being that close up where one just wants to dance dance dance! Have fun tonight. XOXOXOX to you! Cassy
07-10-28 14:57:44

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