Tuesday, December 25, 2007

#27 - Apple - Get a mac - PR lady

Duration: 00:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-12 16:58:41
User: applejuicevideos
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Why you'll love a mac ...


ingobousa ::: Favorites  2007-12-21 05:50:53

I'd rather read SUPASWAG!
LordArtimaeis ::: Favorites  2007-12-21 04:07:27

Hey wait, didn't Apple have to hire an entire PR department in order to make these ads? Microsoft PR is pretty annoying but at least they don't bombard my television with biased, insulting advertisements.
thkaal ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 04:28:33

I still like the Novell linux-pc-mac commercials
landongendur ::: Favorites  2007-12-02 22:37:41

Good point. I'm in no rush to upgrade to Leopard because I think Tiger is more visually appealing (and really, who cares about 'stacks', I don't).
Coraxuss ::: Favorites  2007-12-01 22:37:18

Microsoft does not own a single piece of Apple since they sold back all of the NON-CONTROLLING shares. The only reason Microsoft bought shares of Apple was to make themselves look like the good guys when they were getting butt-fucked by the U.S. government for the evil deeds they committed.
Coraxuss ::: Favorites  2007-12-01 22:27:12

Because Apple is making comparison of their computers to what is the majority out there in the market, WinPCs.
Thatblack1 ::: Favorites  2007-11-29 15:27:02

so we thought. a dumb petty war that keeps going and stupid consumers that continue to fuel it.
jklunk01 ::: Favorites  2007-11-25 01:53:45

Ok, how about instead of giving us that "history lesson" and passing it off as a law, how about you actually cite or post the statute number, etc., that way anybody can actually look for himself/herself and read the actual language of the statute? Specifically, I'm talking about the one that Microsoft had to buy into Apple. There is no statute? I thought so. In that case, why don't you give the case citation for the case law so that we can see where it's written. Can't do that either?
monkeyspank2 ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 16:30:21

Well, ever heard of the mixed market economy? i.e. The economies we live in. It's up to the government to protect small businesses. Microsoft was dominating the makret, but monopolies are illegal unless they're publically owned (PLCs). Basically, US govt. said that M$ had to buy into apple, to stop them being run into the ground. The reason for this being, competition breeds efficiency- lower prices for consumers. There's your damn legislation.
buckeyeboywonder ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 16:13:34

This is an AMAZING advertising campaign! They are "putting down" PC because Microsoft is virtually their SOLE competition; these commercials are quirky, funny, and intrigue people to look into the Mac experience.
psanbast ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 15:16:52

Where (what law) precisely does it state that 'Microsoft have to own 20% of Apple'? I have never heard of such a law that forces any company to buy into another company. It appears what you are saying is manifestly incorrect: but heh show us the legislation.
Wolfmont ::: Favorites  2007-11-22 00:03:45

Because it's just so damn FUN! I love kicking a bully when he's down on his face in the dirt.
guitarmaster199 ::: Favorites  2007-11-19 08:48:16

The ad isn't the only one that is stupid and wrong... That stupid 20% monopoly is TOTALLY wrong. And, by saying that, you're saying that apple is bigger than microsoft (which is totally not true) I USE a PC, not a Mac. You info was just totally wrong.
MajinBejitto ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 22:30:30

If Apple has good products, why do they keep making commercials that put down on PCs?
Tekknique ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 19:06:05

Mac vs PC was put to rest years ago.

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