Saturday, December 22, 2007

George Green on Depopulation and the Pleiadians Part 12 of12

Duration: 10:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-03 02:32:23
User: EpicAlternative
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george  green  depopulation  illuminati  new  world  order  pleiadians  


Alex Jones' upcoming film ENDGAME. Release Oct 2007. INFOWARS.COM "Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex" Dr. Deagle PT 1 of 4 Denver Airport Depopulation Symbolism "Georgia Guidestones" John Conner talks with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM about the Georgia Guidestones "The Pleiadian Mission" "The Billy Meier (UFO) Chronicles" "The Secret Underground Lectures of Commander X" "Hidden Empire: Underground Bases and Tunnels" - Richard Sauder 2004 "Area 51: America's Secret Space Base" - WIlliam Hamilton "The Secret Government: July 1989 Lecture" - William Cooper "November 1995 Lecture" - Phil Schneider "The Pleiadian Mission" "The Billy Meier (UFO) Chronicles" "The Greatest Story Ever Denied" "The Disclosure Project: Home Witness Testimony" (part 1 of 13) "UFO Conference: Mexico" - Jaime Maussan


liquidusman ::: Favorites  2007-12-21 17:46:55

yup your a virgin.
stargate669 ::: Favorites  2007-12-21 06:01:42

I'm not sure why you want to have babies with a cat?
liquidusman ::: Favorites  2007-12-21 01:02:56

your a virgin it seems/
stargate669 ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 06:33:44

bk07 if you help an Alligator you will only be bitten. Help the human race why? Take them off this planet why? Humans are a menace, violent and destructive. Put us on the E.T.'s planet and we will destroy the planet, corrupt and manipulate. The only way to get help is to help humanity and not just yourself. Grow up.
stargate669 ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 06:31:48

kosmic knowledge is power. Collective knowledge channeled into a single thought of disbanding the elite is a very powerful thing. Television, money, media, sex, toys everything physical is a distraction. Your time is almost up. why not go out fighting for the common good? 2008 will be the start of war between China and the US and greater global warming. My thoughts are with you.
stargate669 ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 06:18:57

liquid why do you want to impregnate this woman's cat?
RenaissanceRoss ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 02:16:28

add to that quote. Thomas Jefferson said, "Commerce will all nations, alliance with none."
liquidusman ::: Favorites  2007-12-11 00:41:17

that girl sounds sexy,,,,,,,id love to make her moan.....sticking my cock in her pussy..
226843 ::: Favorites  2007-12-10 18:23:11

top comment true..sad...and funny
thomwick ::: Favorites  2007-12-10 14:22:58

Did He not try 2000 years ago? If you find your eternal self, your are ok. Are you not? It´s up to individuals and their egos now.
Constavlos ::: Favorites  2007-12-07 16:44:24

I've got a little information about the Pleiadians on my channel, if anybody wants to check it out? Peace out.
kosmicdebriz ::: Favorites  2007-12-06 10:50:10

He has the spititul part close, but the neocons are using him as a distraction, while we are looking at the skies, the new world order is culling the earth in the name of greed, and blaming the et's for the impending doom.Humanity does not need any outside help to distroy itself, we might just come in ahead of schedule. There is a universial prime directive. Even napoleon said "never interfere with a country that is in the process of self distruction.
lumendelsol ::: Favorites  2007-12-05 23:42:21

If it's not human, it's evil. Yeah. It's closemindedness like this that gets good people in a bad place. Peace is never an alterior's just peace. Regardless of your faith is peace really ever wrong. No. Just give it a try.
Steadno ::: Favorites  2007-12-05 13:25:11

misterchuckle ::: Favorites  2007-12-03 13:50:31

Great post. Very interesting. Keep an open mind. Peace

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