Friday, December 7, 2007

Palestinian Cleric "Explains" the "Jewish Nature"

Duration: 02:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-22 03:00:56
User: taximax
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#206 - Yousuf Ishrafi on "The Jewish Nature" Palestinian Authority TV - 8/8/2004 - 00:01:55 A VIDEO


eprocker ::: Favorites  2007-02-07 20:25:05

this IDIOT (MUTATION) should get out more often maybe take in a couple hollywood movies Exodus and Raid On Entebbe then take a trip to Disney land not the one mecca sits on but the real one in L.A. enjoy live take it easy spend some money on yourself treat yourself to some new threads not the clown outfit shit but some real hip stuff.
bkinnett3 ::: Favorites  2007-02-08 18:49:21

the speaker accuses Israel's prime minister of using poison gas on Palestinians in order to incite violence against all Jews, explicitly pointing out that he does not distingush between extremists and nonextremists.
IslamicLaw ::: Favorites  2007-02-27 14:55:54

islam = savages of a magician mohammed (pbuh the master savage)
IslamicLaw ::: Favorites  2007-02-27 14:56:29

islam = savages of magician mohammed
DeformedUglyMan ::: Favorites  2007-04-16 21:58:31

They need a bath because they stink.
stevespelling ::: Favorites  2007-05-02 10:16:33

Does anyone know why every country in the world that is predominantly ruled by Moslems is so backward, & has achieved and contributed so little to mankind compared to the West?
780Li ::: Favorites  2007-05-05 00:39:41

HAHaaheuuuh!! not so funny sorry! pfffff
780Li ::: Favorites  2007-05-05 00:40:41

HAHh!!! anti-semite,,,
780Li ::: Favorites  2007-05-05 00:42:29

bicoz da wowd dONT niid Olll diss stuffzz, i think u decypher my msg, congrats, you just have read a reply of a muslim one, i got ya ;-)
780Li ::: Favorites  2007-05-05 00:45:17

"Allah is poor, and we are rich" whaattttt?? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
symna ::: Favorites  2007-05-08 09:10:40

80% of africans r christians but still africa is backwards. muslims left the values of islam so they became backwards. Many christians are doing opposite what Jesus said. mean love to whole world. Look how backward r christians now fighting for profit of oil & killing & raping many iraqis. so anyone who leaves the true value of religion gets backward either morally, socially or economically!
priam1985 ::: Favorites  2007-05-08 19:23:55

Without arabic numerals, there would be no computers for a start. Try reading 'A Short History of Islam' by Karen Armstrong, 'The Ottoman Empire' by Colin Imber, or 'The Mediterranean World' by F. Braudel instead of ignorant western propaganda. Also, try 'The Great War for Civilization' by Robert Fisk if you wish to know how European and American powers have deliberately suppressed the development of civil society in Arab countries. And bear in mind Indonesia and Malaysia.
priam1985 ::: Favorites  2007-05-08 19:27:59

Muhammed (pbuh) was poisoned by a Jewish woman of Khaibar, begining his final illness. He forgave her. A Jewish woman used to throw rubbish at him every single day for years, but one day she wasn't there. He went to her house to ask if she was ok. He used to make extra soup for his Jewish neighbours. To describe the noblest messenger of aalamin as a savage is ignorant, crude, and sinful.
Medic16Q ::: Favorites  2007-05-09 03:44:20

Priam I hate to break it to you but Arabic numberals were invented in India by Hindus and Budduhists, before contact both violent and non-violent with Islam.
frosticex ::: Favorites  2007-05-09 05:52:09

no a baath! Arabic for secular.

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