Saturday, January 19, 2008

John Barrowman Acting Class - Ben Slap - Any Dream Will Do

Duration: 02:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-12 03:21:16
User: sietsk
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Any  Dream  Will  John  Barrowman  Acting  Class  Mission  Ben  Slaps  Rob  Emotions  


Any Dream Will Do. The acting class mission where John Barrowman gives lessons in emotions. Ben slaps Rob in the arrogance class.


toffeeicecream1994 ::: Favorites  2008-01-10 12:15:17

Aww Keith Crying!!! MWAHH xxxxx
toffeeicecream1994 ::: Favorites  2008-01-10 12:14:56

Yeah Any Dream Will Do was really good and I TOTALLY agree bout Keith!!! Fitty!!! I watched Joseph In London and it was AMAZING
toffeeicecream1994 ::: Favorites  2008-01-10 11:37:49

Lol yeah whats up with those grumps?
chcknpie04 ::: Favorites  2007-12-27 14:47:23

SianStarr ::: Favorites  2007-12-27 08:41:07

corr blimey people calm down! its a tv show! and seen 2 of theese guys on stage and let me tell you their emotions are fab! xx
sietsk ::: Favorites  2007-12-27 04:56:40

Relax! ;-) This is two minutes of TV entertainment. Not a video to teach people how to act. All this video encourages is drooling over John Barrowman and your boy(s) of choice.
chcknpie04 ::: Favorites  2007-12-26 04:27:00

I agree. Emotions are caused by actions, not by indicating. I mean, there is importance in commiting to being an asshole, but if you lack a goal, it doesn't matter how hard you scowl, it'll never look real.
chcknpie04 ::: Favorites  2007-12-26 04:24:24

I hate seeing videos like this circulating, because all these videos do is encourage "showing" and "indicating" on stage and on screen when people are acting. Be angry. Be sad. Cry. Really? Emotions are by prodBuct of action, needs and wants and desire. People cry because they fail, really fail, not because they "act sad". But will you hear the words goals, obstacles, tactics or expectations here? Nope.
xLemOn1x ::: Favorites  2007-12-21 10:44:30

Its ashame hes gay ;l <'3 KEEEITH Ive seen him, went on a picture with him he put his arm around me . i could melt lol
tornado217 ::: Favorites  2007-12-17 12:30:17

I bet that worked
HereComeTheDrums42 ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 12:53:49

what do u mean? this show roxxs! or it did until it finished that is. keith jack was so good and sexy! and john barrowman is sooooooooo melt worthy! ^drool^
Amiie0x ::: Favorites  2007-11-14 12:51:40

colleenau82 ::: Favorites  2007-11-04 17:02:51

Thank God this didnt make it to the US lool But John is drool worthy hehe
redwesteastnorth ::: Favorites  2007-10-20 22:40:04

If anybody really wants to know what great acting is and what the work is about look up Uta Hagen or Sanford Meinser. For screen acting there is a fantastic class with Sir Michael Caine. Forget this Iit won't teach you a thing. No disrespect to John Barrowman but he is working with monkeys.
redwesteastnorth ::: Favorites  2007-10-20 22:29:28

This is generlised bullshit! These guys cannot deliver a line to save their lives. Singing maybe. Art forms can't be general. Generalisation is the enenmy of art. To be a great actor you need to be specific in every action you do. Emotions? yeah sure. Anger? What type of anger? Fear? What type of fear? Emotions are a very large area. This is why there is so much bad acting on TV. People are lazy and it really pisses me off that you get people thinking that its easy and that anybody can do it.

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