Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Kurdish Music Şivan Perwer-Wa Hatin Pêşmergên me

Duration: 04:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-13 15:44:49
User: ariHerki
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Kurdistan  ezkurd  ari  herki  gerilla  peshmerge  Kurdish  pêşmerge  the  term  used  armed  force  freedom  fighter  


http://www.herki.co.nr ezkurd peshmerge (Kurdish: pêşmerge) is the term used by Kurds to refer to armed Kurdish fighters. Literally meaning "those who face death" (pêş front + merg death e is) the peshmerga forces of Kurdistan have been around since the advent of the Kurdish independence movement in the early 1920s, following the collapse of the Ottoman and Qajar empires which had jointly ruled over the area. Peshmerga forces do make use of female fighters, making Kurdistan one of only three entities in the Middle East that actively uses female soldiers. This word goes back to the periods when most of the Kurds were living in a nomadic life style, when they were subject to continuous raids from neighboring kingdoms and invaders. Because the livestock is slow in movement and women, children and elderly people cannot escape or climb the mountains quickly enough to avoid being killed by attacking forces, some stronger young men from the tribe used to stay behind and fight the attacking forces till death in order to give the rest of the tribe and their belongings the chance to climb the mountains of Kurdistan and hide there until the attacking force gives up looking for them. Those men who used to fight the attacking forces till death were called Peshmerga, meaning those who face death, or those who die first. Official use and recognition of the word Peshmerga When the Republic of Kurdistan was established in 1946, the leading staff of the republic held a meeting to give the republic's armed forces a Kurdish name. As they were very nationalistic, they didn't want to call the army which was protecting the honor of the nation by a foreign name. During the meeting, a servant came into the meeting room to offer tea and overheard some of the conversation. When he got close to the president, Qazi Muhammad, to give him a cup of tea, he asked the president if he could say something about the topic. Because the servant was from a tribe which was still living a nomadic life close to the borders of Kurdistan, he was still familiar with the name Peshmerga, which he offered as his suggestion for the new force's name. The president told the others about what the servant said, and the name and its history satisfied their desires for a nationalist title for the new force. Thus the Kurdish armed forces were named Peshmerga.


qonCa ::: Favorites  2008-01-16 20:16:32

ulan bok herif türkiyeyi begenmiyon türkiyede kimin bokunu yiyon yediğin ekmeği o küfrettiğin türke borclusun nankör köpek türkler ölsünkü amerika ananı doğuda iyi siksin kürdistan kuracan bekle mal
KurdistanStyla ::: Favorites  2008-01-16 14:57:36

jap =D
5417BozZ ::: Favorites  2008-01-16 14:56:23

darum helfen sie pkk
KurdistanStyla ::: Favorites  2008-01-16 14:55:24

du idiiooot.. Pesmerge und Gerillas sind fast das selbe! wollen BEIDE FRIEDEN!
eukako83 ::: Favorites  2008-01-09 07:03:04

Apoyo a la causa kurda desde Latinoamérica
5417BozZ ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 17:05:25

peshmerga haben nicht mit apo oder Pkk zu tun nur zum info:D..und diese bilder von gerillas..und nicht von peshmergas...ich bin selber Kurde und 100%apocu...herbijiPKK
Sehrazat21 ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 10:12:51

siz türkler ne siniz biliyormusun cok terbiyesizsiniz düzgün cevaplar yazamiyormusun anliyorum bizi sevmiyorsunuz ama bunu bilin böyle bizi dahada güclendiriyorsunuz terbiyesizler gercekten cok igrecsiniz korkmayin biz size bayilmiyoruz tek sizi bayiltiriz lexe lexe gerilla biji serok apo delala kurdistan
muslim4freedom ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 15:11:22

Ey Kürt gencligi. Ayaklan ve serefsic tc´ye karsi eylemlere destek olun. iyi türk ölü türkdür. Kahraman kürt gencler.kahraman apo sahinler. Yola devam.KÜRDISTANI KURANA KADAR DURMAK YOK. BIJI KURD U KURDISTAN
Mamekici ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 20:31:39

yarak sikersiniz biz sizin analarinizi hergün sikiyoruz. yarakafali selam sana TurGAy. BIJI KURDISTAN
SeeeeeXXXX ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 20:17:35

Gay PEŞMERHE gay apo GAY GERRİLLA ( AdoLf Hitler TÜrkie )
jeotrend ::: Favorites  2008-01-02 06:40:13

ulan davarlar daha dun boktunuz bugun koktunuzda adam mı oldunuzu sandınız hele kıcınıza don gıyınde öle gelın. davarlar ebene dedene selam söyle benden . bi sike yaramazsınız piç kuruları
lazraelL ::: Favorites  2008-01-02 06:29:01

ne kadar kürt varsa kürditan diyen var anasının çıktıgı yeri gelmişini geçmişisini alayını a.g sike sike sikim kangıren olsa sikerim nasıl sikiyozsak gine sikmeye devam edecegiz
gladiatoeOPTIMUS ::: Favorites  2007-12-18 17:14:31

biji pesmergeee
VoiceofBaghdad ::: Favorites  2007-12-14 02:39:56

Love this song...Brilliant!
pkk1994 ::: Favorites  2007-12-12 12:15:44

bunla pesmerge degil gerilla dir pesmerge barzanin askerleri.Aponun askerleri gerilla

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