Friday, January 11, 2008

Rich Rodriguez's first time

Duration: 00:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-03 01:57:23
User: bigassmanatee
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Rich Rodriguez's first time


michmtneer ::: Favorites  2008-01-10 21:29:24

Coach Rod will want to put a dome on it. You wait and see. :^)
MichiganFootball01 ::: Favorites  2008-01-10 09:17:06

I really do like how you generalize all Michigan fans too. You sit there, saying how we all get upset, and act ALL of my comments, between ANY WVU, or even and Buckeyes for that matter, and tell me where I acted offended. You seem to be the one stirring the pot, trying to get us Michigan fans riled up, like that pesky little fly. Go away you nosey old hag. Mind your own. Oh, and have anice day Ma'am
MichiganFootball01 ::: Favorites  2008-01-10 08:36:06

Like I said in my previous commenty, its HUMOR. If They crack back on me and Michigan for footballs things.....its all good and fun. Now, when you start whining, different story......
AnnArborSecurity ::: Favorites  2008-01-10 05:41:30

MichiganFootball01, I'm not necessarily defending WVU, I'm singling you guys out because you're saying some mean things and it's the way you're doing it knowing they will retaliate. Its like a pesky little fly bothering someone then when they do retaliate you guys act like you're offended and the ball continues rolling. What do you expect them to do for Pete's sakes? Very childish.
tenthframepro ::: Favorites  2008-01-09 20:54:12

I did live near the stadium for years before I built my house in the Radrick Farms area of A2. I still drive by the stadium almost daily and feel there is nothing wrong there. The work they are doing at the stadium is going to really be something to see. Go Blue!!
dddd0318 ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 18:44:09

You know you people really have no idea how hard it is to be good at WVU. We don't have the widest variety when it comes to instate recruiting like USC being in California or Florida in well.....Florida Texas in...Texas, etc...Then to have to constantly be ridiculed with all these stereo types scares some recruits away. And a little known fact. WVU has 19 players on there roster from Florida so were obviously doing something right!
dddd0318 ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 18:41:49

Thank you! People like you can make me respect Michigan! I have a friend who is a cocky Florida fan and it felt good because he said that the speed of the SEC would run all over you guys. With the talent Rodriguez can bring into Michigan (Pryor) it will make Tressel's hair grayer then Jimmy Johnson's!
glory789 ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 18:06:47

Who said I misbehaved in Columbus. I just went down there to watch a game. We lost. You are obviously a Buckeye fan, so that explains you assuptions of me that aren't true.
MichiganFootball01 ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 17:41:41

there you are again..."policing", not that you are an actual POLICE member......chill out, hell go out on a date, and quit checking on every Rich Rodriguez video, to stop and defend WVU.......its called humor, lighten up your rent a cop belt, and chill out.
AnnArborSecurity ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 16:14:39

Once again another Blue fan opens his trap and lays more embarrassment to us. MichiganFootball01 please try to make sense next time you decide to represent us. I'm pretty certain plumbing and inbreeding issues aren't much of an issue anywhere in the US so let that dusty idea die please. Geez!
AnnArborSecurity ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 16:10:23

It's YOU who have no clue what I'm talking about gory789. If you were in Columbus acting the fool you do here it's no wonder they spanked your lil butt and I said ZERO about them having "class", you need to work on your reading comprehension and spend less time making a fool of yourself. Listen to an old woman and behave son.
glory789 ::: Favorites  2008-01-06 13:18:45

You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. I have been to Columbus before and OSU fans are anything but class.
MichiganFootball01 ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 16:21:07

hey glory......along with the redneck comment...we DO have indoor plumbing here, and inbreeding is NOT, I repeat, NOT legal in this state.........GO BLUE!
AnnArborSecurity ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 09:01:51

glory789, you guys are always talking trash about OSU fans so tell me why they never get arrested here. I'm not saying they're angels but at least they act human when they're here. I don't know how they act at home but they certainly don't act as unlearned "rednecks" here as some of our fans have in the past, this year as well. Our fans are a constant embarrassment, not all of them but most are.
AnnArborSecurity ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 08:55:24

glory789, you don't live near the stadium like we do so you have no idea what goes on here unless you are one of those who were recently arrested. Our fans aren't better than anyone, matter of fact they are an embarrassment exactly like you are. You need to shut your big trap and if you don't I'm going to start revealing embarrassing traditions to those other people soon. Now listen to an old lady and SHUTUP!

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