Friday, February 1, 2008

Canberra firestorm news coverage

Duration: 09:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-05 06:28:28
User: CanberraUser
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WIN News took the unusual step of broadcasting a local news bulletin on a Saturday at about 5.45pm on January 18, 2003, the day Canberra's landscape changed forever. The afternoon a firestorm wiped out more than 500 homes and created a smoke cloud so huge it "turned day into night". Can anyone identify the music played at the end of the WIN News bulletin??


SparkytheFlyboy ::: Favorites  2008-01-23 20:22:54

i live in bonython and that was a scary day.. i remember driving on a road in bonython with dozens of people with their hoses out fighting the fire... i never saw a firefighter but we stopped it near us... it looked like wat you imagine hell to be like.. red glow hard to breath cause of smoke... scary day
CanberraUser ::: Favorites  2008-01-15 05:44:33

Yeah, it's a scene typical in bushfire devastation: some houses left unscathed while others are completely destroyed.
MrSober88 ::: Favorites  2008-01-15 05:41:38

I was in Duffy also when this happened. Lived right next to the pine forest. Isn't it strange when you drive down the streets in Duffy how you saw 1 house fine and then 3 houses burnt down then another house fine.
Elrariel ::: Favorites  2007-12-05 20:34:17

I was in Duffy =(. I don't know how my house survived! All of my friends houses burned down.
littleguy2001 ::: Favorites  2007-11-13 11:27:27

Brings back so many memories! Rember being in Queanbeyan and driving from Kambah and having ash falling on the car and it being like midnight at lunch time. Was scary scary shit!

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