Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Eritrea - Wefri Warsay Yeke'alo

Duration: 10:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-25 19:31:30
User: spaceketema
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This video shows various development Eritrea is undertaking through Wefri Warsay Yeke'alo. Success to Wefri Warsay Yeke'alo!!! Wetroo Awet N'Hafash!!!


RedSeaBoy ::: Favorites  2008-02-05 06:38:25

Love love love love it. Plus the song is greate havent heard for 8 yrs.
Kachavite ::: Favorites  2008-01-04 11:30:15

SpaceKetema, You're a genius. I like how you made this video. It shows your creative mind. Good Job and Thank you for the wonderful video. Eritrea welida... welida ! God Bless Eritrea, God Bless Warsay !
tsumaak ::: Favorites  2007-12-04 15:17:01

Couldn't say it better zegualay
sarahjosief ::: Favorites  2007-11-20 14:51:29

i love this song....thank you
wediafom ::: Favorites  2007-10-12 01:01:59

As always space, thank you!!

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