Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Golfer - Bird Killer

Duration: 00:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-06 14:18:18

A golfer kills a bird .. what a sucker


Laramas  2008-03-07 19:54:43

Man, those bitches taking the video are sick. The bird is still writhing around and they're all like "THIS IS YOUTUBE MATERIAL" I'd feel at least a little bad. :(
Birkone  2008-03-07 10:18:25

pook bird
CanadienDestroyer  2008-03-07 00:10:15

Yeah, she did not see the bird and was focusing her attention on the ball and her swing. Birds are notoriously suicidal on golf courses walking or gliding right into the path of oncoming balls.
Thaleus  2008-03-06 23:49:13

pook pook bird
custrag  2008-03-06 21:36:25

you sound like a fucking transexual clown with down's, cash. never speak again.

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