Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ashley Likes Too Play With Fire..

Duration: 03:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-28 15:09:25
User: hugedisneyfan
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play  with  fire  


My Entry For SharpayGoddess Contest! =D hope u like! x


hugedisneyfan ::: Favorites  2008-01-09 16:22:11

Thanks but i didn't win :(
azitasaurus ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 18:55:28

This is so cool! I hope you win!!!!!!
L15A13 ::: Favorites  2007-12-13 18:38:42

i love this!! its put together really really good. 5 stars! and i favorited it!
hugedisneyfan ::: Favorites  2007-12-04 15:39:54

It's Not i think it couldnt had more flashes things in it hehe...i hate mine all plain lol xx
xdisneyloverx ::: Favorites  2007-12-04 12:15:56

thanks!! but urz is more intresting lol xx

Other Video Blog Entries

Hercules as a baby
'Dino and Fish' - HYPERBOLE: (anti) gravity
Born on the Fourth of July - John Williams
novalee 2
The White Stripes: You Don't Know What Love Is


John cena Rap battel

Duration: 03:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-25 21:26:24
User: onlays2
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john  cena  Raps  entereainment  


John cena the best


Other Video Blog Entries

Mars: should we go?
Marion Raven - Heads Will Roll (Explicit)
Portugal vs Polônia parte 6
To TerraNaomi from pi314too
Ace Alone


Keroro capĂ­tol 19 catalĂ  [1-2]

Duration: 10:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-18 13:32:32
User: Square92
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keroro  catala  capitul  capitol  part  anime  


primera part capi 19


Other Video Blog Entries

The Fray All At Once
Mac Danzig vs Frank Kirmse KOTC Canada (Fight only)
naturalmente patagonia
Chris Brown Kiss Kiss
Me Messing Up A Shot


AVGN's Bad Memories (No Easy Way Out)

Duration: 06:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-28 12:55:14
User: webjunkpoop
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angry  video  game  nerd  AVGN  james  rolfe  robert  tepper  easy  way  out  bad  memories  flashback  montage  rocky  


I don't know how many AVGN tribute vids on this site has songs related to the Rocky franchise! But I hope this makes an excellent addition! Anyway, watching the Dragon's Lair video inspired me to make this video! When James takes out the alcohol canteen, he should have a sudden flashback montage through his entire life of playing video games! The song I chose is Robert Tepper's No Easy Way Out from Rocky IV as inspired by the driving montage from the film!


msanimechic ::: Favorites  2008-01-20 10:45:14

This was awsome, lmao
olaine1989 ::: Favorites  2008-01-18 19:53:22

This is the best AVGN tribute that J have seen soo far on youtube! Great work!
friknborrd3 ::: Favorites  2008-01-18 15:16:25

NekoCat86 ::: Favorites  2008-01-18 04:58:42

AlucardsQuest ::: Favorites  2008-01-17 06:55:22

I like the montage, but that still picture just bothers me because it's overused. Maybe instead you could have used him doing the Silver Surfer game over, or his reaction to the Ghostbuster's ending, or him pounding the floor in the full theme song... you know what I mean? Otherwise this is awesome.

Other Video Blog Entries

The Fray Over My Head Cable Car
Derek's Nans
Linkin Park What I've Done
The Victim of the Art


dai's birthday surprise

Duration: 01:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-01 08:20:57
User: winxger
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strip  club  birthday  humour  


wife treats dai


skullknap ::: Favorites  2008-01-02 10:58:18

very good :D
DeltaNC ::: Favorites  2008-01-01 18:43:28

Happy Hogmanay! All the best for 2008! :) For some reason I was faking a Welsh accent quite a lot yesterday :D
surfsup2k8 ::: Favorites  2008-01-01 16:17:44

oh i replayed it i can hear it :D good 1
surfsup2k8 ::: Favorites  2008-01-01 16:17:01

happy new year .. Blwydden Newydd Dda and wish Dai a hapy bday lol Can you rerecord this coz its messed and we cant hear the joke at the end :( thanks for the videos!!!!

Other Video Blog Entries

X-Men Beverly Hills
Guitar Heroes trailer
CBC Hot Type, Evan Solomon interviews Noam Chomsky 4-16-2002
When Brains Met Beyonce


Random Soulja Boi attack

Duration: 00:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-10 12:55:08
User: DariousWalker
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Random  Soulja  Boi  attack  


Random Soulja Boi attack


Other Video Blog Entries

harry potter verarsche: larry pothead
JoseJose- Gavilan o Paloma (programa Anel)
Super Smash Brothers Melee video 1
Cottage on the Hill Waltz - B. Frank
The Late Late Show - Craig's Monologue


Sublime Hope (last show)

Duration: 02:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-13 23:20:26
User: Sublimestylee1
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Sublime  last  show  bradley  nowell  hope  the  descendents  


albino released the video to mtv and vh1 to use for clips and he released the whole thing to brads family and friends. Statments from Albino....


maxsheeppower ::: Favorites  2008-01-13 17:06:30

nahhh they are i kno for a fact that is the last picture if brad before he died, and he looks the exact same in the pictures when he playin on stage.
nicks8 ::: Favorites  2008-01-11 12:13:41

It sucks that Brad had to die sublime will always be known sublime were u at his last show? -Tech N9ne-
phiberoptikcmn ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 22:41:32

these pictures. theyre not from the last show. or atleast the first ones arent. the ive been to the phoenix theater more times that i can count. its never looked like the venue that the first pictures show.
Sublimestylee1 ::: Favorites  2008-01-05 17:02:17

phiberoptikcmn ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 16:29:26

the pictures arent from the last show.

Other Video Blog Entries

Independence parade of Indonesia
Bit of a Jam with Chris
Almost the Christmas Carol


Der Koran - Die Bibel Satans

Duration: 03:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-21 16:51:04
User: GeorgTodoroff
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Koran  Allah  Mohammed  Islam  Lügen  Jesus  Bibel  Wahrheit  


Der Koran lehrt eine faschistische Religion. Der Lügner und Mörder Mohammed, ein Knecht Satans, ruft im Koran zur Vernichtung der gesamten Menschheit auf. Das beweist, daß der Verfasser des Koran Satan ist und Mohammed sein Sohn. Denn der Islam ist eine ebenso zersplitterte Religion wie das sogenannte Christentum, das nur aus Verrätern Jesu besteht; sie alle sind in Recht-Haben-Wollen-Kriegen gefangen. Wenn der Isalm also aufruft zur Tötung aller Andersgläubigen, so ruft er damit zur Auslöschung der Menschheit auf, denn es gibt nicht zwei Menschen, die dasselbe glauben. Mohammeds Schlachtruf lautet: Tötet einander!


InmAncalagon ::: Favorites  2008-01-23 12:45:04

Bei uns dürfen Frauen nicht wählen? Na in welchem Zeitalter lebst du denn?
proecclesie ::: Favorites  2008-01-21 14:20:20

Wäre Mohamet nicht von den christlichen Mönchen des Katherinenklosters versteckt worden, hätten ihn seine Nachbarn erschlagen. Es ist also an der Zeit das die Muslime etwas Dankbarkeit dafür zeigen. Natürlich ist es aber keine Art jedem Muslim Intoleranz zu unterstellen, es kann aber nicht sein das ehem. Muslime die Christen werden ( und das sind mehr als umgekehrt) in unserem Kulturkreis von Muslimen bedroht werden.
proecclesie ::: Favorites  2008-01-21 14:08:22

Ach ja , aber wie würden Sie die Auferstehung erklären,das Turiner Grabtuch, die Stigmata des Patre Pio etc.? Die Apostel haben sich wahrscheinlich alle zum Spaß auf grausame Arten ermorden lassen! Welche seriösen Wissenschaftler sollen denn bewiesen haben das Jesus keine Wunder vollbracht hat? Übrigens gibt es im roten Meer keine Lungenfische, die kommen nur im Süßwasser vor, Meeresfische atmen in der Regel , wie die meisten Fische ,durch Kiemen.
parlaksiz ::: Favorites  2008-01-20 09:05:22

1. Sprich: "O ihr Ungläubigen! 2. Ich diene nicht dem, dem ihr dient 3. und ihr dient nicht Dem, Dem ich diene. 4. Und ich werde nicht Diener dessen sein, dem ihr dient 5. und ihr werdet nicht Diener Dessen sein, Dem ich diene. 6. Ihr habt eure Religion und ich habe meine Religion."
muigaulwurf ::: Favorites  2008-01-19 06:29:15

ich liebe es, wenn sich leute selbst durch ihre borniertheit disqualifizieren ;D

Other Video Blog Entries

Numa Numa -southpark the movie
I Think I Smell A Rat - The White Stripes
Re: Sami - What do u want to hear next???
Mr E to Meson
Dj Onur vs Orhan gencebay ben kendim bir alemim CeSuRyUrEk


Team Physics! Part 1

Duration: 00:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-21 09:44:58
User: AussieThrill
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Physics  Diaries  Breaking  Crazy  Funny  Team  Tozer  


Join as we barracade through the corridors of a highschool to unlock some of the top science room's major secrets as we try to break free into a world of unknown..


Other Video Blog Entries

My Bonus Jonas Show!!!
Ceza Ve Bora3
Go Pack Go
Me at the Filming of "Be Kind, Rewind" [Extended]


Duygusal Slayt-1 Soner Arıca-Dön

Duration: 02:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-04 15:22:14
User: YasiN8544
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Duygusal  Bir  Slayt  




antogonist ::: Favorites  2007-08-05 16:44:21

şşooooh gozel 5yıldız gerçekten .flu resimler imgeleme gücünü artırıyo

Other Video Blog Entries

emrah bil yeterki
Naturally Intense DVD Clip v1.0
Kelly Clarkson - Hear Me Music Video
original on electric guitar scott mckenzie


(megaman x 2) x vs overdrive ostrich

Duration: 01:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-02 20:18:29
User: linkth3mast3r
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megaman2  rockman2  mm2  mmx2  rm2  rmx2  overdrive  ostrich  


heres the second boss fight i've decided to record its x vs overdrive ostrich the battle was a bit hard since i only had half my hp when i recorded it lol


Other Video Blog Entries

SpPanda-It's Over
Turboweekend - Into You (new video)
One piece (catala) 224 part 3
Matsui Keiko - To the Indian sea
Riblja Corba u Trstu - dobro jutro (21.10.2006.)


el hombre que araña

Duration: 03:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-04 02:37:22
User: alkonsito
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spiderman  araña  



kittycobain017 ::: Favorites  2008-01-24 17:56:15

jajajajajajajajajajaajjajaaj xD ke lindo *.*
BloodThirstyLink ::: Favorites  2008-01-24 11:34:19

Mierda! Sí! MUY Bueno!!!!
carlangaskpo ::: Favorites  2008-01-23 11:33:38

Esta muy bueno!!!!
ThisWebStinks ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 22:29:21

muy bueno
exeryan ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 20:39:58

hahahhaahahaha omg hahahha i can't stop smiling is so so fuckin' good !!! hahaha lol

Other Video Blog Entries

Why I Hate Hannah Montana
2003 Indy 500 - Dan Wheldon crashes and flips - replays
Dr. Patrick Drake 3


Mood - 14/11/07 (The Gate, Wednesday 31st October)

Duration: 05:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-19 15:07:24
User: orcwhitehouse
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Mood  The  Gate  Newcastle  Northumbria  Uni  Sports  VIP  Rugby  Drinking  Drunk  Girls  Kiss  Lick  Poly  beat  Posh  Kids  Night  Out  


After the Poly beat Newcastle at Kingston Park it was always going to be a special night at Mood!!! Sport Northumbria's Wednesday Night. All 7 Sport Northumbria Teams won (So I've been told!) Complete with Sportspersons VIP area, the return of Live Music and the introduction of the International Drinking Games Arena, the infamous Lloret De Mar 'Banter Wall', funnels, drinking games, and -of course- £1 VKs!!


Other Video Blog Entries

Hercules as a baby
'Dino and Fish' - HYPERBOLE: (anti) gravity
Born on the Fourth of July - John Williams
novalee 2
The White Stripes: You Don't Know What Love Is