Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bart Erhman , Misquoting jesus, In reply to Philos

Duration: 08:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-29 22:59:11
User: g0at
:::: Favorites

In response to fallacy #2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE9w7UGvPaY

babri62 ::: Favorites
Why Jesus did not wright own book?He was 33 years ON earth he put 2.5 years his LIFE time let Mary change his diaper but he had no time to say one second let be a bible than there was a bible?
07-08-24 22:30:12
Furiousblue42 ::: Favorites
Many of the arguments used in Bart Ehrman's are weak. He claims to use "textual criticism" to get back to the origional meaning the very thing he condems Bible Scholars of doing.
07-08-08 20:05:44
Binaguano ::: Favorites
Quick question...are you sure we don't have the originals? If the entire story was made up to begin with...the it would make since that the events described would be far removed in time. Just look in the fiction section of a book store to find stories of long ago written recently.
07-07-06 21:20:04
g0at ::: Favorites
We do not have a SINGLE original manuscript from anything in the bible. A manuscript is a manual copy of something. In this case we have copys of copys of copys. WE even have 100s of manuscripts that all differ, some in different languages as well.
07-08-07 20:45:39
variablast ::: Favorites
Philos doesn't seem to respond to atheist responses to his video. He just puts forth his video and ignores its refutation.
07-07-05 14:44:43
Writer538 ::: Favorites
Life is more a matter of seeking wisdom, not finding answers. It is myopic & naive to think that only the Bible can answer the big questions. Fallible people claim the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The Bible doesn't say it is
07-07-04 11:09:44
g0at ::: Favorites
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; But that is just one place...
07-07-04 16:54:16
Writer538 ::: Favorites
I should rephrase. I say "The Bible doesn't say it is [the Word of God]," because no passage in it, as we know it, was written when the Christian Bible, as we know it, existed. Jews even quibbled about what was scripture and the New Testament didn't yet exist.
07-07-04 20:52:50
Writer538 ::: Favorites
Correction: I meant to write "no such passage (claiming it is the Word of God or inspired by God)was written at the time that there was any universal agreement on what counted as scripture.
07-07-04 20:58:37
DeimosSaturn ::: Favorites
Then, indeed, "the bible was written by men and men make mistakes" is not a fallacy.
07-08-05 04:47:07
bcfilmguy ::: Favorites
g0at, you're right. I can't believe more people don't know about Bart Ehrman. I studied his course on DVDs and learned so much from him. Everybody who has any interest in religion should read him. The guy knows what he's talking about. Misquoting Jesus is basically his course summed up in book form.
07-07-16 18:16:20
Furiousblue42 ::: Favorites
If he is so brilliant then why does his wife remain a Christian who totally disagrees with the logic he uses.
07-08-07 14:41:58
Furiousblue42 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 14:42:47
bcfilmguy ::: Favorites
Maybe she's wrong. She must have some respect for him or she wouldn't stay married to him.
07-08-07 18:56:30
Writer538 ::: Favorites
I wrote to Ehrman. I think he'd say we know virtually all extant copies disagree with one another in more or less significant ways. We may infer that copiests had been doing so from the outset, regardless of what the original said.
07-07-04 11:06:38
Writer538 ::: Favorites
The Mormons would disagree....ha, ha.
07-07-04 10:45:44
2LegHumanist ::: Favorites
Kick arse video. I've never heard this explained in so much detail before.
07-06-29 23:01:48
abbnormalfunctions ::: Favorites
Bart Ehrman is amazing and should be better known. I have most of his lecture series and have learned immense amounts about the history of religion.
07-06-18 05:33:33
g0at ::: Favorites
ok so if you have 2 verses that are different, and both are inspired, what do you do? CLose your eyes roll a die and pray?
07-05-11 20:30:03
paulmcfarland ::: Favorites
There are a small number of verses that prove difficult to translate. However none of them are in opposition to the truth. That is the truth of Jesus, the Lord, the savior of all who call on His name. Call on the Lord Tim- while He may be found.
07-05-27 20:59:59

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