Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Stephen Hawking - Flying Weightless in Zero Gravity !!

Duration: 01:20 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-28 10:26:32
User: ZishanAllibhai
:::: Favorites

i LOVE the music

birgitshowswomanx ::: Favorites
hey are you looking for a date? check out DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-01 07:15:10
AMHelfgod ::: Favorites
Hey there What's your favorite kind of candy ? Oh yeah and by the way check out my new videos, they're awesome but extremely underrated. Helfgod
07-07-16 02:10:26
superfisto ::: Favorites
NASA chicks = hot.
07-06-04 10:50:08
roughbogroll ::: Favorites
Never mind the gimp! Check out the blonde!
07-05-04 00:05:48
peetyrose ::: Favorites
OMG, I'm totally going to hell for laughing at this!! But I really can't help it... Dear Lord, Thank you for giving me legs that work, but a mind that is only a little bit smarter than an chimpanzee!! Stephen Hawking is an excellent man, too bad he can't play tag. Now that would be a good time!!
07-05-02 02:41:25
Sheldonwh ::: Favorites
Those two conditions (his disability and his genius) are unrelated. He was just as smart BEFORE he started suffering from ALS. If this were a video of Lou Gehrig, would you thank your imaginary god for giving you "legs that work," but athletic abilities just a bit better than a chimp?
07-06-03 15:07:15
peetyrose ::: Favorites
I retract my statement now...i feel sorry for the poor man.
07-06-03 18:57:58
porkchopbagel ::: Favorites
groovy music
07-04-29 22:52:39
wololorofl ::: Favorites
yeah its just great that we can send stephen hawking into a zero g situation but we cant feed starving children or house the homeless. AMERICA, FUCK YAH!
07-04-29 16:56:16
joelewis4 ::: Favorites
you sir, are a moron.
07-04-30 10:39:25
Baskiskg ::: Favorites
Thats really nice that they did this for him and it was free of charge.
07-04-29 04:13:32
roughbogroll ::: Favorites
good thing he's so smart, otherwise people wouldn't give a shit about him.
07-04-29 03:24:22
73189wills ::: Favorites
ok quit it. joke's over. stand up. oh its not a joke, back to y
07-04-28 18:40:05

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