Sunday, August 5, 2007

Depths Of Hades Private Server

Duration: 430 seconds
Upload Time: 07-01-17 19:44:48
User: pwnwner
:::: Favorites

A Completely free Burning Crusade Private server, you don't even need Burning crusade to join, just the original World Of Warcraft This is Mirandas private server, it is known as Depths of hades also

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ZzCHODEzZ ::: Favorites
fuckin blood elfs
07-07-17 15:21:11
HitokiriBattosai862 ::: Favorites
Pwn can you give me a link to what Miranda Set up her server with?
07-07-17 17:00:36
Dan848484 ::: Favorites
I've got 2 questions No.1 Do you become a GM as soon as u join. No.2 What is the last song it's fuckin awsome!!
07-07-23 03:22:48
Vilsan2 ::: Favorites
hello everyone im an experienced GM from a server that was closed. im looking for a GM position on a private server (antrix) i know all the antrix commands. i know how to act in situations. i know what not to give players and what to give them. i used to be called the best GM on the last server i played on. im very helpfull and fully experienced. only wonna join for tbc servers 2.1.3 so send me a message on youtube.
07-07-23 05:40:14
Amalaulina ::: Favorites
Black Temple Server is now open to members. We are at x150 xp rate and x150 loot. Our level cap is 80!! Have expierenced GM's Join today and Post Flo as your refferer and you may get extra levels!!!! blacktemples (.com) to sign up.
07-07-25 15:13:31
depthsofhades ::: Favorites
Depths of Hades is now reopened, 2.1.3 depthsofhades(dot)servegame(dot)com Xp rate 2500x gold 2500x max level 255 start off in GM island with all vendors trainers, riding skill, and professions in one place. Check it out.
07-07-30 15:10:26
depthsofhades ::: Favorites
For mirandas wow just google "mirandas wow" Go to the extreme top 100 list or wow top 100 list or wowstatus(.)net To get GM powers just donate!
07-07-30 15:13:28
blizzard4wow ::: Favorites
'look us up on youtube to see all we have to offer!', all you have to offer is mounts? lame.
07-07-31 21:42:14
iwanabeawarcraftGM ::: Favorites
i join how? and whats that name of the second song?
07-08-01 02:46:24
iwanabeawarcraftGM ::: Favorites
whats the name of the last song too?
07-08-01 02:48:11

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