Sunday, August 5, 2007

Re: Things that bother me!

Duration: 235 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-26 23:34:14
User: badottum
:::: Favorites

Just one of the many things that bother me. I'm sorry for the potty mouth, but i get like that when it comes to things like this. Really. I'm sorry.

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visocsky ::: Favorites
Famous words at StarGate... "What it do Ma"? seriously...WTF does that mean? How would one answer that?? Is it really a question? 2nd best phrase: "Hook a Ni***h up bro, double shot for a small charge"! And walk away and not tip a F&(K!NG thing anyways! Trust me, best way to NEVER be served in a bar!
07-06-28 19:02:33
proffmongo ::: Favorites
I would like to know what you thought of my video. Did I give you some good information? And do you understand it?? Hugs not bugs!
07-06-28 19:03:44
badottum ::: Favorites
LOL. I'll make a quick response to you tonight or tomorrow morning maybe?
07-06-28 20:14:53
badottum ::: Favorites
:) thanks!
07-06-28 20:15:20
badottum ::: Favorites
Hah. Yeah, drunk or sober, I never walk away from a bar with a drink in my hand without tipping the 'tender first. :)
07-06-28 20:16:18
proffmongo ::: Favorites
thank you!! TheMeltingSnowman enjoyed it!!! I hope you did too!
07-06-28 22:08:13
AaronCee ::: Favorites
yo what up, tall skinny, haha love this-been awhile since I've seen any of your videos.. haven't got my macbook back yet.
07-07-04 00:45:05
kai21787 ::: Favorites
yeah u can thank all the rap videos for that.
07-07-16 02:14:40
draw1card ::: Favorites
well im black i dont take this offencive but i think y we men or some men say ahorty or i wanna holla at u is because werer like brought up in that atmosphere (ghetto) were most people think that that is accecptable in the real world when its not i think thats y people say things like that
07-08-01 14:03:43
badottum ::: Favorites
I totally agree!
07-08-01 14:59:31

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