Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I Hate Joggers

Duration: 21 seconds
Upload Time: 06-10-15 18:50:34
User: nalts
:::: Favorites

Donut eating dad teaches kids the valuable life lesson. When you live vicariously through joggers, go for the Gold.

geroldkid ::: Favorites
lol lol!
06-10-22 18:04:50
pteri498 ::: Favorites
That was totally the best!
06-10-23 14:46:49
Kenton99 ::: Favorites
HAHAHA very funny
06-10-26 15:24:11
SpiritMedium ::: Favorites
Something about you yelling "faster..." Just made me think of House. And no not just because I watched it a few hours ago.
07-01-31 03:54:21
Juhsayngul ::: Favorites
It's hard to believe that you of all people would turn down the classy spelling of 'doughnut' for something jive like 'donut'.
07-04-02 00:20:00
SellingYouADream ::: Favorites
07-04-03 18:34:19
nsroach ::: Favorites
my gf is OBSESSED with House
07-04-07 21:26:32
xjdano ::: Favorites
great Idea, I'll start yelling at joggers, and bikers too... i hate it when bikers think they don't have to obey traffic signs because they are on a bike... I would be giving them tickets for running red lights...
07-06-03 23:42:27
lerinto ::: Favorites
07-06-20 18:47:35
ScreaminMeemes ::: Favorites
Really funny
07-07-10 19:27:54

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