Wednesday, August 8, 2007

You Meet The Strangest People!!

Duration: 65 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-04 21:24:53
User: Zipster08
:::: Favorites

Funny who you'll run into on a summer night!

kcgirlgeek ::: Favorites
"I'm not a breeder, so it's not gonna be too easy..." ROFLMAO!!! Uhm...I USED to be a breeder. Some days...I would consider loaning you MY kids! Only problem is...they're teenagers. This might tend to make your subscribers run AWAY. O.O My partner is yelling from the next room offering her kids too. Choices, choices....
07-08-06 15:08:14
waffleypie ::: Favorites
I'm guessing you and nalts live close to each other.
07-08-06 16:25:08
Zipster08 ::: Favorites
Too close for comfort!! ;-)
07-08-06 16:31:16
dinkyface ::: Favorites
Oh man, that doesn't sound right at all!
07-08-06 18:33:15
distorteddogma ::: Favorites
I just found your answer. It's called "babysitting" and I have good info that says people actually PAY YOU to take the kids! Kids for vids and a profit! Be Well.
07-08-06 21:10:58
Zipster08 ::: Favorites
AWESOME IDEA! I don't know how many parents would entrust their kids to me....oh, wait...we're talking Nalts. HE SO WOULD!!
07-08-06 21:12:52
JKizBK ::: Favorites
07-08-07 07:39:47
italiangrlnyc30 ::: Favorites
aww I Love You lol!!
07-08-07 10:53:02
Zipster08 ::: Favorites
07-08-07 11:01:13
JoeBobOneHalf ::: Favorites
Really?!? Wow, you must have the Exposé of the century there. I'm impressed!
07-08-07 22:15:47

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