Monday, October 15, 2007

Chopin Etude Op.10 No.4

Duration: 02:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-02 13:54:34
User: patricioapaez
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MY friend playing Chopin Etude OP.10 No.4 at Interlochen arts academy. LEAVE A COMMENT :D!!


Wandalandowskaya47 ::: Favorites
07-10-13 14:40:13
worras2007 ::: Favorites
Damn!!! I like that!!!
07-10-11 02:33:47
SkiddyBlade ::: Favorites
Where's the wrong notes? I don't hear any....
07-10-10 17:36:08
fmz0507 ::: Favorites
bravo!!!i was 13,i've ever play that before. i wish i can play as well as you...
07-10-07 06:46:25
chopzart ::: Favorites
the comments here are either super positive or super negative. lemme clear things up a litte. there are wrong notes, but thats not SUPER important. I think your technical skill is high but i think you need more dynamic contrast and perhaps some more feelings. Maybe this is because of the camera but, i think you should use less pedals. cus its kinda "mushy". i think its the camera. lol.
07-10-06 14:20:41
pianogurly ::: Favorites
haha if you say so darling but i do pity you....see an ear doctor sweetie
07-10-06 01:16:07
SkiddyBlade ::: Favorites
that's your problem. this guy played it right with a sucky camera and not so good of a piano compared to ones used by professionals I think YEAH it'll sound different. but that's not his fault!
07-10-05 23:26:58
bookgekgom ::: Favorites
is this only me...the music doesn quite sounds are all played separately...
07-10-05 21:25:07
PianoCriticsKiller ::: Favorites
pianogurly - He sounds just fine to me. Perhaps your computer's cheap speakers makes it sound "kinda mushed up." Perhaps you should go and purchase a new set of bose. Or maybe it's the wax in your ears. Take a shower, perhaps? This dude is AWESOME! He's not playing to your liking simply because he's not playing for YOU! Don't be such a narcissist. Cheers, mate!
07-10-05 04:12:09
PianoCriticsKiller ::: Favorites
Desmondd2002 - Did you ever think perhaps it's your EARS? lol ;)
07-10-05 04:03:23

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