Monday, October 15, 2007

K7 GSXR 750

Duration: 00:23 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-28 21:37:54
User: 750GSXR07
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new jardine gp1 exhaust


Pooty29 ::: Favorites
sound like an ferrari htec exhaust. sound nice but looks ugly n plan.
07-09-28 10:33:07
lobzdik ::: Favorites
ok can anyone tell me what m4, m6, m7 and stuff are?
07-09-02 18:47:32
xXxDREADxXx ::: Favorites
I listened to this like 10 times, amazing sound thanks for the vid! Will definitely be going for this exhaust.
07-08-20 10:13:09
breakjax ::: Favorites
that was one of the best bike exhaust notes ever!!!
07-08-08 11:47:57
71camino12 ::: Favorites
wow man love it i need one for my k6 after watching this, hows the performance, cost, ease of install, and is there any remaping needed? anything would help thanks!
07-07-12 00:05:15
mngngf ::: Favorites
SOUNDS NICEEEE dont rlly like the looks tho..
07-07-09 18:29:28
kalzx ::: Favorites
very cool
07-07-06 15:08:14
nmber85 ::: Favorites
that sounds like the devils cummin to get me.... shitt
07-07-03 08:47:58
psychopath43 ::: Favorites
Jesus i`m scared man love it thou :)
07-05-20 16:56:19
csllover ::: Favorites
VERY nice. I'm getting a GP Evo exhaust for mine. Are they as loud as yours?
07-04-15 11:33:58

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